Category "batch-file"

Select song sample rate

I have a folder with several mp3's and I needed to separate (copy) all the 4800 hz sample rate files to another folder. I have a folder "General Audios" and I c

Batch script : for /F does nothing after executing a command

The goal of this script is to display every WiFi devices with their keys, from the computer's saved networks. expected output : <device_name1> : <key&g

Post-commit-hook in Subversion doesn't work as I want

i came across a problem with subversion at my work. I want to create a post-commit-hook (post-commit.bat file) command that creates information about the last t

Auto-enter a value when prompted from a Python Script

Say I have access to a Python script (of which I didn't create) that prompts for a user input and then runs some processing tasks based off the input before out

Read a value out of a "complicated" JSON file [closed]

I'm using jq, but I didn't manage to get a value extracted from a .json-file (I got generated by mediainfo) in my batch-script. How can I get

How to run batch file inside Visual Studio 2022 Developer Command Prompt

I recently upgraded to VS2022 I cannot find a way to start developer command prompt and run a batch file inside it. Previously I called vsvars32.bat and it set

Batch file for removing certain information in a line

I have a gcode file .nc What I want to do with a batch file is remove all line numbering i.e. N1 *N2 N3 etc. I also want to remove the M00 at the start. Do you

Text file transfer between PC and Arduino using Batch scripts

I have a personal project based on file transfer between an Arduino Due and my PC. Theses files are in text format and can go over 10Mb. I firstly bought an SD

Trying to convert text into hex by calling a function within my batch file, but the hex code never gets returned to the Main batch function

@echo off goto :main :strg2hex setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rem Store the string in chr.tmp file set /P "=%~1" < NUL > chr.tmp rem Create

Combine PowerShell Defender outlets into a combined CSV file for monitoring

We cancelled our antivirus software (Kaspersky Anti-Virus, duh) and depend on the Windows Defender in the meantime. We won’t be getting any SIEM server to

How do you define the first day of the month (without including week-ends) in a batch script?

I have created a scheduled task in Windows that consists of running a batch script. The problem is that this task has to be scheduled every 1st day of the month

Running JAR from BAT file cannot find natives path

I am running my JAR from a BAT file on Windows 7 x64 machine. Lately I added native .dll files to project, so now I need to add the path to the BAT. My project

How to install application Updates on multiple windows machine using any tool or script [closed]

I have around 100 windows machine(VMs), All the machines have few updates for chrome , notepad/notepad++ , Firefox ,Jenkins which have not b

System cannot find path even though it exists in paths

Working on a batch file that calls another batch file. K:\Market Risk>call "K:\Market Risk\activate.bat" The system cannot find the path specified. So I s

File name pattern matching in Windows command line

I have several files like: a.txt a$.txt a$b.txt b.txt b$.txt b$c.txt I would like to print file whose name does not contain '$' using Windows command line fo

Execute Process Task in SSIS for Python Script

I'm trying to execute a python script by SSIS Execute Process Task. The Python script is correct. This script read data from yfinance and do some calculation,

Problems determining the 1st Sunday in a month

This following if segment is not working right. What I want to do is do something special if and only if it is the 1st Sunday of the month and something else e

CMD/BAT get date modified of all filenames and append to their filename

I am having trouble with this script. I'll explain below the codeblock. @Echo off pushd "\\server\folder" SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion @FOR /F "TOKENS=2"

How to get .vbs output in the same window of a .bat file [duplicate]

I have a batch file that does a lot of different things and within that batch file, at some step, I'm running a VBS script. The problem is, th

The "startfile()" function is not working in Python 3.9.7 [duplicate]

I wanted to build a script playing an audio file in the background, so i found code on Stack Overflow to run an audio file without the window