Category "bdd"

Behavior-Driven Development(BDD) Testing with Fast API python web framework

I want to write BDD test cases for the Fast API framework where I have written some REST API. Though for normal test cases Fast API mentioned pytest package. Ba

How to deal with abstract Given steps in BDD?

At the base of our application is a big configuration set, which defines abstract groups of devices and they are omnipresent as part of the Gherkin scenarios. N

Is additional context configuration required when upgrading cucumber-jvm from version 4 to version 6?

I am using cucumber-jvm to perform some functional tests in Kotlin. I have the standard empty runner class: @RunWith(Cucumber::class) @CucumberOptions(features=

Is it possible to pass python behave command-line arguments from file

I wonder, is it possible to pass behave arguments, eg. "-D environment". by default they are taken from the behave file. Maybe there is some way to keep each co

AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'app'

Hello I did not found answer for similar problem so I add new topic. I have problem with bdd + appium using a page object model. When I run my script I have iss

Converting Datatable to object with null values

Hi Everyone just wondering if I am following best practices here. I have step defintions like the following public class StepDefinitions { @DataTableType

Why isn't Cucumber considered as a testing tool? [closed]

I'm new to Cucumber, and I'm trying to understand the tool. While reading the documentation, I found that it is defined shortly as "a tool tha

Bazel test rule for the Python BDD tool "behave"

Question: Hello, dear bazel heroes! For our system tests, I am trying to get the behavior-driven development tool behave to run with bazel as bazel test syst

BDD Cucumber test management tool

Is there an open source tool available to control the running of BDD cucumber tests? We are developing BDD cucumber tests and would like the option to control

BoDi.ObjectContainerException : Interface cannot be resolved in Specflow test

I have this step in a Specflow test: [Then(@"the enriched messages are written to the LC")] public void ThenTheEnrichedMessagesAreWrittenToTheLC() { var LcA

Should integration test bypass login natural processes in order don't retest same login functionality for many times

Let's say I'm testing a web service and I have a couple of scenarios requires user to be authenticated: Scenario #1: Customer sign-up Scenario #2: Customer si