Category "bean-validation"

Dropwizard: 1.X - can I get cross-parameter method validation to work?

Annotation: @Target({METHOD, CONSTRUCTOR, PARAMETER, FIELD}) @Documented @Constraint(validatedBy = AtLeastOneNotNullValidator.class) @Retention(RUNTIME) public

javax validation OneOf constraint

Is there an annotation in javax validation, so it should constraint that value is one of predefined values. Example @OneOf(values = "12-14m, 16m, 18m") private

Struts2 keep same action url if validation fail using struts2-bean-validation-plugin

I am using Struts 2 and I have two action one will show the register form and second will be register user. I want to achieve is while submitting form if any va

Spring Boot can't autowire @ConfigurationProperties

Here is my FileStorageProperties class: @Data @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "file") public class FileStorageProperties { private String uploadDir