I have an ordinal variable with the following categories very favorable (1) somewhat favorable (2) somewhat unfavorable (3) very unfavorable (4) don't know (8)
Well in this question I have to find the longest sequence of zeros in the binary representation of an integer. After a lot of hard work, I'm able to find the lo
I have this array: bool data[] = {{1,1,1,1},{0,0,0,0}}; And I need to convert it into bool data type like this: byte data = 11110000; Any ideas?
I have an encrypted string with RSA that I have encoded in base64 to put it in a QR-code: echo "thesearesecretlogininfos"|openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey
I have a lidar data collected with Velodyne-128 in .bin format. I need to convert it into pcd format. I use NVIDIA Driveworks for data manipulation but there is
I have binary data in a dataframe with a time feature and I'm looking to produce a dataframe like below with a new column "duration since =1". I was able to fi
The following query sorts a binary column in BigQuery: with tbl as ( select B'123' as col union all select B'234' ) select * from tbl order by col; ----------
I have been tasked with writing a program in MIPS that converts a user-inputted base 10 floating point number to base 2. I am a relatively inexperienced program
I have converted binary files to NumPy array and then pandas data frame. The final shape is 217 rows × 524289 columns. When I tried to save it as .xlsx fo
I have a ZipFile object that I need to convert to an object that will work with the buffer api. Context is that I am trying to use an API that says it takes a f
According to my current understanding:- All binary values are treated as equal by the system, and it is the task of the software (or the app) to interpret a bin
How to split or edit binary file in Win CMD? I'm on Win 10 x64, and there's no DEBUG utility eg. to replace all 0a with 0d0a or change a byte value at some byt
Is there a way in Node.js (some npm package, for example) to convert binary encoded WCF data (response from some SOAP server) to its full text XML representatio
I want to generate random binary numbers (0 or 1) having N length size. The tricky part is that, It should be able to control the probability of having either m
I have made this recursive binary search function in Julia that will return the index where the number I am looking for is. (example: array = [1,2,4,8,16], key
I want to make a realtime application, which involves finding the edges of a binary mask. I need something fast, without GPU if possible, that runs hopefully be
I'm using the bash bc library to perform inter-base conversions. Does anyone know if it is possible to set the output size (number of bits/bytes)? I need his ou
If I have 2 numbers in binary form as a string, and I want to add them I will do it digit by digit, from the right most end. So 001 + 010 = 011 But suppose I ha
So i have homework to make a recursive method that uses a divide and conquer algorithm to search a sorted array and check if A[i] == i (if value matches current
I want to match user ids from two tables in Hive. Unfortunately they are stored in different formats. In one table they are binary whereas in the second table t