Category "binary"

creating dummy variable from ordinal data in r

I have an ordinal variable with the following categories very favorable (1) somewhat favorable (2) somewhat unfavorable (3) very unfavorable (4) don't know (8)

Find longest sequence of zeros in binary representation of an integer in JavaScript?

Well in this question I have to find the longest sequence of zeros in the binary representation of an integer. After a lot of hard work, I'm able to find the lo

How to convert a two-dimensional byte array into a single byte (Arduino)?

I have this array: bool data[] = {{1,1,1,1},{0,0,0,0}}; And I need to convert it into bool data type like this: byte data = 11110000; Any ideas?

How can I decode a string from base64 to binary to decrypt it with RSA in flutter?

I have an encrypted string with RSA that I have encoded in base64 to put it in a QR-code: echo "thesearesecretlogininfos"|openssl rsautl -encrypt -pubin -inkey

Conversion of binary lidar data (.bin) to point cloud data (.pcd) format

I have a lidar data collected with Velodyne-128 in .bin format. I need to convert it into pcd format. I use NVIDIA Driveworks for data manipulation but there is

Using R to Calculate the time since binary output=1

I have binary data in a dataframe with a time feature and I'm looking to produce a dataframe like below with a new column "duration since =1". I was able to fi

How is a binary/bytes column sorted in sql?

The following query sorts a binary column in BigQuery: with tbl as ( select B'123' as col union all select B'234' ) select * from tbl order by col; ----------

Ho to convert base 10 floating point input to base 2 in MIPS?

I have been tasked with writing a program in MIPS that converts a user-inputted base 10 floating point number to base 2. I am a relatively inexperienced program

How to export large pandas Data Frame to excel format?

I have converted binary files to NumPy array and then pandas data frame. The final shape is 217 rows × 524289 columns. When I tried to save it as .xlsx fo

How do I convert a ZipFile object to an object supporting the buffer API?

I have a ZipFile object that I need to convert to an object that will work with the buffer api. Context is that I am trying to use an API that says it takes a f

How do text-editors recognize if the user wanted to type a number or the ascii value associated with it?

According to my current understanding:- All binary values are treated as equal by the system, and it is the task of the software (or the app) to interpret a bin

Binary file edit in Win CMD

How to split or edit binary file in Win CMD? I'm on Win 10 x64, and there's no DEBUG utility eg. to replace all 0a with 0d0a or change a byte value at some byt

Is there a way in Node.js to convert WCF-binary data to full text XML representation?

Is there a way in Node.js (some npm package, for example) to convert binary encoded WCF data (response from some SOAP server) to its full text XML representatio

How to generate random binary numbers 0 or 1 with length of N and with option to control the probability of having 0 or 1?

I want to generate random binary numbers (0 or 1) having N length size. The tricky part is that, It should be able to control the probability of having either m

Julia is not giving me a good return value in Binary Search

I have made this recursive binary search function in Julia that will return the index where the number I am looking for is. (example: array = [1,2,4,8,16], key

Fast method to retrieve contour mask from a binary mask in Python

I want to make a realtime application, which involves finding the edges of a binary mask. I need something fast, without GPU if possible, that runs hopefully be

Set output size in bc library

I'm using the bash bc library to perform inter-base conversions. Does anyone know if it is possible to set the output size (number of bits/bytes)? I need his ou

Need help in adding binary numbers in python

If I have 2 numbers in binary form as a string, and I want to add them I will do it digit by digit, from the right most end. So 001 + 010 = 011 But suppose I ha

Given sorted Array, Returns index i if array A contains an element A[i] such that A[i] = i (recursive and divide and conquer)

So i have homework to make a recursive method that uses a divide and conquer algorithm to search a sorted array and check if A[i] == i (if value matches current

Convert string into binary in Hive

I want to match user ids from two tables in Hive. Unfortunately they are stored in different formats. In one table they are binary whereas in the second table t