Category "binary-tree"

How do i create a function to convert a binary tree to a tuple?

i came across this question where i was tasked to convert a tuple into binary tree and then convert binary tree back to tuple and return both tree and tuple. i

How to paint binary tree in red-black

I have already created binary tree, and i have to paint every node in red or black to make red-black tree. struct node { string name; int year; int

How to recursively insert elements into a binary tree and keep it balanced java?

I am doing a project for class and am stuck on trying to develop this method. Would anyone be able to give me an example? The instructions for the method are be

How to make binary tree from array in javascript?

I have an array var array = [8,10,12,5,3,6]; Logic First node would be root node. If new node value is less or equal =< than parent node, It would be left

Is there a unique Binary Search Tree for given sequence of numbers?

So, this question was asked in my exam: Make a BST for the following sequence of numbers: 45, 32, 90, 34, 68, 72, 15, 24, 30, 66, 11, 50, 10 I created the follo

Why does order of inserts to binary tree matter?

I know that the order does matter when inserting elements into a binary search tree and that elements inserted in different order will lead to different binary