Category "bitmap"

python win32ui.error: BitBlt failed & CreateCompatibleBitmap failed in multithreading

I'm here to ask for help on a recent problem I encountered with my program.... I am getting this error when I try to use BitBlt and CreateCompatibleBitmap: win3

Cant Update Image in a quick succession

I'm doing a simple code to update profile pics, by saving uploaded file into a folder and processing its required versions using Bitmap. Issue is that i cant ch

Round Image File

I did this code to get an image from firestore and use it as an icon for a Map Marker. final StorageReference storageReference = FirebaseStorage().ref().child(

How to get Bitmap From imageUri in Api level 30?

I am using getBitmap method in the older version but I can't find any alternative of getBitmap From Uri. try { bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Me

How to create Bitmap from Android MediaImage in OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 format?

I am trying to use this new feature of CameraX Image Analysis (version 1.1.0-alpha08): using setOutputImageFormat(ImageAnalysis.OUTPUT_IMAGE_FORMAT_RGBA_8888),

Loading & Saving Bitmap Images In OpenCV (OpenCV Version = 3.1.0)

My problem is simple at least as I see, or how I feel about it. I tried to load and write Bitmap images with OpenCV in C++ and got sucessed in it, my problem is

Getting pixel format from CGImage

I understand bitmap layout and pixel format subject pretty well, but getting an issue when working with png / jpeg images loaded through NSImage – I can't

Reading pattern from file and create a bmp image of that in C

I want to read an text file Using C Language.Here's the file:- You see there is some pattern in the text content on the file. 0 means nothing. 9 means blac

green bitmap on analyze in cameraX when imageproxy to bitmap by using Samsung S20

I already use bottom code. But It apear green bitmap when I use imageproxy to bitmap only about lastest smartphone. Such as Samsung s20 Bottom code work well on

WallpaperManager intent for crop and resize from bitmap

Right now we are setting wallpaper from some loaded images using below code. bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap(); WallpaperManager m

Bitmap image to base64 conversion

I am trying to convert a bitcode image to base64 format. I tried to code like public static String encodeToBase64(Bitmap image, Bitmap.CompressFormat compressF

IllegalArgumentException: width and height must be > 0 while loading Bitmap from View

I'm trying to draw on an ImageViewTouch, a library which enables pinch zooming. I'm able to draw over the image using Canvas, but when I zoom the image, the dra

Drawing a line on a bitmap

I made a face dector in matlab, and I am translating it into c# code, I everything is moslty done. In the main I use System.Drawing.Bitmap b = new Sy