Category "blazor"

Setting the global state only once using Fluxor in Hosted Blazor WASM app

I have a .NET 5.0 Hosted Blazor WASM app that looks like this: I am using scaffolded Identity razor pages in server project for sign in and sign up etc. I want

flexible width with overlaping divs on blazor with CSS and bootstrap

I have a hand of cards on my UI and I want to allow fitting more cards than actually fit on the div, by letting them overlap if necessary. My cards are linked t

Getting 404 NotFound for blazor.webassembly.js (_framework files not found)

We have searched other issues along this line, and found that they seem to apply to after a site is deployed. This happens within VS 2019 when trying to debug.

Visual studio 2022 highly used memory

I working with Visual Studio2022 and blazor .net 6 when i worked after 1 hour visual studio highly used memory and crashed on my pc (windows server 2019).

Blazor new WebAssembly App doesnt show the install app option

When I create a vanilla blazor webassembly app clicking ASP.Net Server Hosted and also the PWA option in the last week (over 5 test projects) and run the code a

How prevent Blazor EventCallback reset selected item to default value

I have a problem with the return event of a child component on Blazor. I am currently using MudBlazor, I have created a component called BrandSelect which loads

How do I avoid using a client secret or certificate for Blazor Server when using MSAL?

When using Blazor Server and the MSAL library you must provide either a client secret or a client certificate. Here is what a Blazor Server project uses to setu

problem showing PDF in Blazor page from byte array

I have gone through all the suggestions for how to take a byte array stored in SQL Server db as varbinary and display it as PDF in a Blazor website. I'm success

2022 wasm blazor.webassembly.js not found .net5 to .net6 upgrade

I am trying to upgrade from a Blazor WASM .net5 project to .net6. I change the to net6.0 on all the projects. All compiles well, but I get a 404 error on loa

Problem Using Microsoft.Identity.Web with Blazor Server App

I'm using Visual Studio V16.8.2 with the .Net 5 templates and I'm trying to create a Blazor Server app that will authenticate against Azure AD. I use the Blazor

How to re-render Blazor component when a parameter changes

I have two Blazor component. First component just displays the list of students from a JSON api <select @onchange="selectStudent"> @foreach(var student

Blazor Timer call async API task to update UI

I am setting up a timer in a Blazor server-side page. The goal is to call an API every x seconds and based on the return value, update the UI. I got this code:

Blazor WASM redirect to login when not authenticated - Don't show layout

I have a Blazor WASM having 2 layouts: MainLayout LoginLayout My main Index file has an Authorized attribute @page "/" @using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization

ASP.NET Core MapFallbackToFile is not handling non-existings urls. Only homepage

I am creating Blazor app. If I navigate to homepage - page loads fine, then I navigate into article e.g. localhost/new-article. Next step is page refresh via F5

"WriteLinesToFile" task was not given a value for the required parameter "File"

Error MSB4044 The "WriteLinesToFile" task was not given a value for the required parameter "File". BlazorTutorial.Client C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\5.0.

Blazor Hybrid App how to navigate to pages

How can I navigate between Razor pages in an Blazor Hybrid App? I found this explanation:

Blazor Debugging not hitting breakpoints

I am taking over maintenance of an ASP.Net Hosted WebAssembly project. Cannot debug it. I have added "inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_fr

Getting SSL error "Unsupported protocol" when running in Visual Studio

I am trying to build a Blazor application and I always get the following error : "This site can’t provide a secure connectionlocalhost uses an unsupported

Create and download Word file in Blazor

I am trying to create a Word file and download the created file in clients browser. The creation part seems to work fine and I can open the file manually from i

OpenCV with Blazor WebAssembly?

I'd like to build a web app with Blazor WebAssembly and do some image processing on the client side with OpenCV. I'm having difficulty using OpenCV on the clien