Im first time trying to write Tests for Bloc, Here I face the problem that is : NoSuchMethodError: The method 'fetchPlayerToLogin' was called on null. Receiver:
i'm using flutter bloc. i want to emit the data from a repo to a state. how do i get the data from the repo to show in the cubit? This is my cubit: void getPro
In the code shown below , the dispatch event is called from within the build method after getting the BuildContext object. What if I wish to do is to dispatch a
The application needs to implement language switching at runtime. Wrote a bloc with event and state and called BlocBuilder in main.dart. But I don't know how to
SOLVED: I WAS GETTING ANOTHER STATE INSTEAD OF WHAT I EXPECTED I have two screens in my app. The first one contains products and each one of them is wrapped wit
How to use Bloc in flutter. What is the best way to use it? to wrap the whole app with blocprovider? runApp( RepositoryProvider( create: (contex
I'm a flutter beginner and I'm currently working on an app that let me take a photo and then update a ListView to display the photo with a little text descripti
why am i getting the error? I couldn't find the reason. I'll be happy if you can help me. error screen You can check my issue on github
have the following. using sliding_up_panel that has body with messages and with a different view in panel content that pops up on click action from bottom bar.
I have a FloatingActionButton inside a widget tree which has a BlocProvider from flutter_bloc. Something like this: BlocProvider( builder: (context) { So
I am a Flutter developer. I am using VS Code for bloc module generation. I tried to use the "Bloc: New Bloc" from the context menu, but it fails every time.
HackerNewsLoadedState is called before HackerNewsLoadingState and it loads all data from API but does not integrate to _topStories list as well as store data to
How can I avoid creating another instance of some bloc class? I have two blocs: LoginBloc and AuthBloc . and LoginBloc accepts an instance of AuthBLoc and here