Category "blockchain"

How can I solve 404 issue using the OpenSea JavaScript SDK?

I am trying to use OpenSea API with the JS SDK. I am getting two types of errors. One is a deprecated warning. Another is a 404 error. This is the error I am ge

How to remove Smart Contract in NEAR Protocol?

I am new to blockchain and Near Protocol. I have created 2 smart contracts on Near Protocol. The first one was successfully done but when I try to deploy the se

there is a problem in the gas requirement

I have been written a smart contract, I am trying to execute the following code but I have these problems: 1- "Gas requirement of function EKM.register_PK is in

Near Protocol, Smart Contract

When I run the command yarn build:release i get the error "command not found: asb" enter image description here

Error: PollingBlockTracker - encountered an error while attempting to update latest block: undefined

I'm trying to develop DApp on polygon blockchain. Basically I'm minting NFT but after few mints I get this error. It even happens when I don't mint NFT. Here is

Does a Bitcoin block stores the corresponding dollar value of a transaction?

I am asking this question so that I want to easily know how many transactions occurred at a particular Bitcoin price. For example, at the price of $20T per BTC,

ethers can't get pure function return value

I built a test solidity pure function to display a greeting message. It only returns a string "Hello User". Here is the contract code: //SPDX-License-Identifie

window.solana not found on js web3

I want to connect a Solana wallet (phantom or any other) to a web aplication through the js web3 library. I've read docs for most wallets and it seems like it's

.balanceOf is not a function - Interact with existing Contract on Blockchain

I want to automate my staking on The Sandbox. For that I need in the first step to interact with the mSand-Matic Pool Contract. It is this one: https://polygons

Can't verify ERC20/BEP20 token on BSCScan

I deployed an ERC20/BEP20 token on binance smart chain using truffle and openzepplin. Now I want to verify this smart contract but I have some issues. $ truffle

Rinkeby Authenticated Faucet is offline

I wonder if anyone has successfully requested ether on I followed the instruction and it kept saying Faucet offline. Any workaround

How to get all transaction from an address via the etherscan API in R?

I've been looking for a way to download all transaction from a specific contract since their start up until now. It's around 25k transactions as of today. I've

How to call a smart contract function with WalletConnect? (React.js, Node.js)

Is it actually possible to call a smart contract function using WalletConnect? There is a documentation on official website that explains how to establish conne

Restrict function access ONLY to one other specific contract in Solidity

I have a security problem in my Solidity contracts and I can't figure out how to fix it. The flow goes like this: First, we create an instance of contract A; Cr

How can I build a bitcoin wallet?

I am going to work on a project in which we want to build a bitcoin wallet, like for example mycelium, coinbase etc, but I have no knowledge of which apis we sh

error[E0412]: cannot find type `ProgramResult` in this scope

use anchor_lang::prelude::*; declare_id!("Fg6PaFpoGXkYsidMpWTK6W2BeZ7FEfcYkg476zPFsLnS"); #[program] pub mod myepicproject { use super::*; pub fn start_st

How to get query transaction id from AWS managed blockchain using chaincode

I am not able to get transaction id from AWS managed blockchain using chaincode's stub.getState(key) method. Please suggest..

I want to get the address from mnemonic with the proper derivation path

I am very new to blockchain programming and programming in general. I want to generate my SOL address using the mnemonic seed phrase with the derivation path "m

Error: TypeError [ERR_INVALID_REPL_INPUT]: Listeners for `uncaughtException` cannot be used in the REPL at Object.compile

I am new to truffle and I work on blockchain project so when I "migrate" in truffle develop, this error occurs. Why ? I change the version of my compiler by 4.2

Paying with ERC20 token

I want to build an NFT that I can paid with an ERC-20 token to mint it. I'm using currently the Mumbai testnet on polygon, and I'm using the Dummy ERC20 token t