Category "bookdown"

Bookdown:: word_document2 knits outdated word document

my manuscript output is no longer converted into an updated word document using bookdown or regular md. After knitting my .Rmd, I get an outdated version of the

Is `RefManageR` the new `citr` package in R?

I konw that's kind of a meta question but here it is: Is RefManageR the new citr package in R? I am using citr since 1 year now and I just realized that it is n

Why is table numbering not working with blogdown::html_page, but working with bookdown::html_document2?

I have a report written in R Markdown that is supposed to use numbered sections, figures, and tables and cross-references to them:

How to change TOC depth in R Bookdown (GitBook)?

I use GitBook format through R bookdown. I need to use at least four levels in the table of contents (TOC). The default is three. How can I change the depth of

Rstudio: Changing origin for git version control of project

I originally set up git in Rstudio while enrolled in the Data Scientist's Toolbox course at Coursera. Unfortunately, I did this in my phd project. The repositor