Category "boost-asio"

why do i getting boost.URL linking error?

This is my project : When i try to build it, Error :

How to create a response from a file that has CJK filename

I'm trying to load a file to be a HTTP response with Boost.Beast, but it doesn't work on Windows. My code is similar to this: typedef boost::beast::http::respon

asio::thread created in object with global scope causes strange behavior, but not if it is created in main

I have been battling a problem for a day or so and "solved" it but I wonder if anyone knows why it must be so, or whether I have just hacked my way around a dee

c++20 coroutines: boost asio co_spawn blocks from another coroutine

I do not know if this is the expected behavior of boost::asio::co_spawn (I did check the docs 1.78.0...), but if i call (e.g. co_spawn(ctx, ..., detached)) from

Boost.Asio async_read a string from a socket

I'm trying to write a function async_read_string_n to asynchronously read a string of exactly n bytes from a socket with Boost.Asio 1.78 (and GCC 11.2). This is

How to implement sending a heartbeat message using a boost beast websocket client

I need to implement sending a heartbeat message to a third party server with regular intervals. The server uses these heartbeat messages to determine if that th

boost::asio::io_context::stop segfalt in gtest setup and teardown

Using C++17. I am trying to setup a gtest fixture that will create a fresh io_context to run timers on for each test case. My test segfault about 90% of the tim

Creating a HTTPS request using Boost Asio and OpenSSL

I have created a simple HTTP request wherein I am sending GET,POST and PUT requests to the server. Next I want to switch to HTTPS connection using boost asio li