Category "boost-beast"

Boost.beast : how to return json response only

code : When i run this and print the response to the console: Sending GET /api/v3/time HTTP/1

How to create a response from a file that has CJK filename

I'm trying to load a file to be a HTTP response with Boost.Beast, but it doesn't work on Windows. My code is similar to this: typedef boost::beast::http::respon

How to implement sending a heartbeat message using a boost beast websocket client

I need to implement sending a heartbeat message to a third party server with regular intervals. The server uses these heartbeat messages to determine if that th

Boost Beast async_write() With Queue

I have the following code: std::queue< nlohmann::json > outgoingMessages; void session::do_write( void ) { if ( outgoingMessages.size() > 0 ) {