Category "bootstrap-4"

Trying to zoom on hover of image: Circular image overflowing container

I'm trying to get a circular image to zoom when it's hovered. However, I can't get it to work - the image is overflowing the container. What am I doing wrong?

retrieve data from the database and load the data into the table using jquery

<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewpo

How do I align 3 div container next to each other using CSS when float left does not work

I am trying to align my 3 service divs next to each other but instead they are each slightly lower than the other one. I think it might be the images that are m

Working Bootstrap/Chart.JS/JavaScript - make size of graphs proportionate to screen

I'm trying to learn to work with Bootstrap, Chart.JS, and JavaScript in general. I've been able to work off a template, however every graph on my .html file is

Page has horizontal scroll which I can't get rid of

Please see I've gone through front page and removed code snippets to try get to the issue, but still no -

How to make Bootstrap 4 table keeps resizing to screen width when adding data in JS

I am specifying my table in HTML and populating it within JS. The desired column widths are as specified within <table> i.e. 500px. If I run the code with

Using Selectpicker for filter-control

I am using bootstrap-select in a <select> that serves as a filter-control component of a bootstrap table. I want to use this select to filter via various

Launch Bootstrap Modal Dialog on Load in Angular 8

I need to launch a modal dialog on page load of angular 8/ Visual Studio project. It is working fine with the click of button, however I cannot figure out how t

Footer to stick to bottom of the page when Treeview control expands

Hello All! I have trouble making the footer stay at the bottom of the page. I have treeview control, when expanded overlaps the footer. Please help to make the

Ngb-xx is not a known element

I am trying to use the ngb bootstrap on my Angular project. Every components on ngb throws me an error My package.json and my app.module.ts Did I do so

remove line break from boostrap tooltip

I have a span tooltip that displays some information like: name and history. I can separate this information with a <br>, but the tooltip is performing an

Open Bootstrap dialog window from Spring MVC BE

I have a Spring MVC controller and bootstrap page. When I submit the form and send some payload to this endpoint if some condition is not met I would like to di

How to prevent paragraph from expanding bootstrap's col-auto parent width?

I'm using bootstrap's row with two col-auto. Inside the second, I have a form with <input>'s and a paragraph <p>. This second column should have a m

Bootstrap Select Editable Combobox Hack

How can I let my users add their own options to bootstrap-select? Hello. After spending some time trying to find a simple solution that works with bootstrap 4 s

Bootstrap 4 - Make a Table Header Sticky

I have a simple Bootstrap 4 Table and would now like to make the header fixed/sticky so that it doesn't scroll as it contains a lot of rows. I've found several

I want to do Triangle-like Carousel but How? [duplicate]

How can reach info for this shaped carousel I searched "triangle carousel", "pointy carousel", "sharp carousel" and found nothing

Navbar not expanding to fill width of page

I am making a website and I want it to look nice when being used on mobile. However, I can't figure out to eliminate the excess white space on the right of the

How to auto populate preferredCountries from intl-tel-input with db output

I would like to populate the preferredCountries:["xx","yy","zz"] with a function that fetches the most used country codes from a mysql db and list them highest

How to navigate to specific tab of bootstrap 4 from external link

I want to open a specific tab of bootstrap 4 from external page link . Page 1: nav.html I want to go from this page one to second page <!DOCTYPE html> &

is there a way to prevent repeating code in html I'm using bootstrap 4 collapse like 20 times in one page

<div class="card" style> <div class="card-header" id="headingOne"> <h5 class="mb-0"> <button class="btn btn-lin