Category "bootstrap-vue"

How to open a select dropdown on hover using Bootstrap Vue

I need a way to trigger the <select> or <b-form-select> and display the list of dropdown options on mouse hover. Without using JQuery or any externa

bootstrap vue toast disappears immediately

I'm trying to display a message using toast. So I tried all example code on ( here, but when I click the bu

How to increase the width of the tooltip in Bootstrap-Vue

Is there a way to increase the width of tooltip in bootstrap vue. I have live a big statement to be shown in the tooltip. and the tooltip is displaying the mess

Carousel component from bootstrap-vue3 not working

I am creating Vue app with vue3 and using the bootstrap-vue3 package for Frontend. I followed Bootstrap-Vue docs and copied the following code but Carousel does

VUE-js Accessibility for b-spinner -- audio announcement of data loading using Aria that REPEATS every 3 seconds

I am trying to add accessibility for the audio announcement of "data loading" when a spinner is visually showing that the data is loading. Obviously, I am looki

How can I set bootstrap-vue theme colors to css variables?

I'm using bootstrap-vue and would like to be able to override the theme colors dynamically at runtime (after compiling the scss). To do this I'm following this

How do I update the items async in a b-table from Bootstrap-Vue reusing the items provider function?

I am using Bootstrap-Vue v2.0.0-rc.11 and I just cannot get my head around how to update the table content. I am sure it is trivial. I am pulling my content fr

How to align a label with radio button on same line in Bootstrap Vue

I want to have the label inlined with its radio buttons: <b-form-group label="Zobrazit"> <b-form-radio-group id="radio-group-2" v-model="absoluteVal