Category "botframework"

Team recording bot from scratch(error at response)

We are creating a recording bot in .netframework 4.7.2 using the bot framework. We are making this bot from scratch. we were stuck at one point. please see the

Explanation for error "Incoming request was redirected to the wrong geo! Current geo: EUDB, Target geo: EMEA" in Bot Framework Teams Bots?

Starting May 13th, 2022 around 3 PM UTC, we are seeing several of our previously functional Teams bots built on the bot framework failing to send messages to us

Adaptive Dialog Recognizer and Question and Answering Project

I have a bot which is written in C# and botframework. I want to use the new adaptive dialog technology and the question and answering database of the language s

MS Teams Error message: Failed to retrieve flag from thread properties. Conversation not found

I am developing azure bot using python sdk v4. From yesterday, this bot is giving below error when i opened personal teams chat with bot on browser 2022-04-12T1

MS Teams Error message: Failed to retrieve flag from thread properties. Conversation not found

I am developing azure bot using python sdk v4. From yesterday, this bot is giving below error when i opened personal teams chat with bot on browser 2022-04-12T1

clientSecret null error for UserAssignedMSI AzureBot

I'm having some troubles with authentication when setting up my Bot Framework SDK webchatbot. The bot have been setup in Azure and when testing the bot in the h

How to configure v3 Bot using Azure Bot Service

We are running chatbots using BotFramework v3. Now Microsoft changed from 'Bot Channel Registration' to 'Azure Bot' service which uses a key vault. Until that t

How to use "Go to action" in the MS Bot Composer?

Trying to manage a conversation flow by "Go to action" action (sorry for tautology). All tests to call all types of actions by ID from *.dialog return error. C

Bind an Array with dynamic length to an Adaptive Card

I was wondering how I could bind an array which can have a dynamic length to an element in Microsofts Adaptive Cards. Specifically, I want to make a list with i

How to get Compliance Certification for Team recording bot

We are making our own bot to record team meeting, but after adding compliance policy, I am geeting this error("API call not allowed for non-Compliance Recording

BotBuilder Authentication Multitenant

I want to create Microsoft BotBuilder following this tutorial. But it seems SO complicated compared to v3.(BTW: starting a tutorial with 3 authentications that

How to disable buttons on click in Bot Framework Composer

I want to disable the button once clicked in Webchat/Directline channel. Once a user has clicked on a button, that button should get disabled to prevent duplica returns different intents for almost similar utterances

I use LUIS as a Language Understanding Service for our Chat Bot built with Microsoft Bot Framework. And I observe the strange behavior: I added a string "what i

ASP.NET app gives SocketException periodically: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

We have ASP.NET app: BotFramework + LUIS. Chats: Teams, WebChat. The issue happens periodically in different environments and it completely stops bot sometimes.

Can't display item in Carousel Hero Card

Currently I want to convert the JSON to Carousel HeroCard, When I debug, The error shown is: System.ArgumentException: Can not convert Array to String. at Newto

Is it possible to remove/hide response while using submit action in MS teams bot

I'm having MS Teams bot developed using bot framework. I have a dialog where the user choose date from date picker. For this I'm using following Adaptive card.

Microsoft Teams Bot Adaptive card not rendering in mobile app (android)

Microsoft Teams Bot - Adaptive card not displaying in android mobile app, it works fine in desktop app, json as below, also other card for list of records works

Enable/Disable Conversational bot in MS Teams

How to enable and disable the conversational bot in MS Teams? In our application, we have to enable the conversation bot in bot chat window: I tried "isNotifi

Botframework v4 same state for all users C#

I'm trying to migrate my botframework APP v3 to v4, I followed the instruction from microsoft documentation and everything works fine except state control, in m

Is there any way to align the table contents in the same line in the teams bot framework?

The below image shows how the current table is displayed on teams. We can see that the cells are not aligned properly. Using adaptive card (columnset). The imag