I'm trying to establish a boto3 session with boto3.session.Session(profile_name='foo') but getting an UnauthorizedSSOTokenError error: botocore.exceptions.Unau
I'm trying to get list of roles with special tags Python version 3.9 Boto3 version 1.16.25 There is my code iam = boto3.client('iam', region_name='us-east-1') r
I am attempting to create a python script to connect to and interact with my AWS account. I was reading up on it here https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentati
I am trying to unittest a function that writes data to S3 and then reads the same data from the same S3 location. I am trying to use a moto and boto (2.x) to ac
I am trying to connect Django project to AWS S3. settings.py contains below: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = #ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = #Key AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = #B
import boto import boto3 from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from boto.sts import STSConnection # Prompt for MFA time-based one-time password (TOTP) mf
I'm using the following code to download all my files in a s3 bucket: def main(bucket_name, destination_dir): bucket = boto3.resource('s3').Bucket(bucket_n
Code snippet : conn = dynamo_connect() company = Table("companydb",connection=conn) companyrecord = {'company-slug':'www-google-com12','founding-year':1991,
I have a bucket in s3, which has deep directory structure. I wish I could download them all at once. My files look like this : foo/bar/1. . foo/bar/100 . .
My Django project uses django_compressor to store JavaScript and CSS files in an S3 bucket via boto via the django-storages package. The django-storages-relate
My Django project uses django_compressor to store JavaScript and CSS files in an S3 bucket via boto via the django-storages package. The django-storages-relate
How do I find to which device an EBS Volume is mounted with Python Boto v2.0? boto.ec2.Volume has some interesting properies like attachment_state and volume_s
How do I find to which device an EBS Volume is mounted with Python Boto v2.0? boto.ec2.Volume has some interesting properies like attachment_state and volume_s