Category "broadcastreceiver"

how to return result in cmd if you use adb to send a broadcast

I have a BroadcastReceiver like this: class PlatformAccountReceiver: BroadcastReceiver(), CoroutineScope by MainScope() { override fun onReceive(co

I can't record my voice after make a phone call

I have developed an Android app for recording audio when the phone called. I know, I can't record the audio of the caller person but I want to record my voice w

Error receiving broadcast Intent when using SmsRetriever

When authenticating using Firebase Auth, I want to auto input the code that is received via SMS. I am able to receive SMS and go through auth process manually,

Broadcast receiver not working for INITIALIZE_PROGRAMS action

I'm developing an Android TV app, and I'm setting up a broadcast receiver to run a work class when the user installs the app. Following the Google documentation

Android: How to hide or close topmost activity?

In my app, I need to start the built-in camera application using the action INTENT_ACTION_STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA. The reason of this action is that in this case, I

Why does phone state listener get fired multiple times for same state for one call?

I am working on fetching recent call log as call get disconnected(outgoing , incoming) either answered or unanswered. I am using Phone state listener to fire

Communication between BroadcastReceiver and Activity - android

I have a broadcast receiver in my app which is fired every time the user gets an incoming call. Now, when it happens, I need the broadcast receiver to invoke a

BroadcastReceiver not working when app is not running

In my manifest file I have declared the receiver. (as follows) <receiver android:name=".OnAlarmReceive" /> however, once I shut down my application, I

How to get info of currently playing music using broadcastreceiver while the app isn't running?

I would like to receive broadcasts from music players while the app is in the background. I found the following code here: @Override public void onCreate(Bund