Category "browser-automation"

How to check if an element exists on the page in Playwright.js

I am using playwright.js to write a script for, and on the page where you submit shipping information, it will provide the option to use a sa

getting error as TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'cache_valid_range' . It is not present in ChromeDriverManager Python

I am trying cache_valid_range for my ChromeDriverManager constructor, below is a code snippet enter image description here But I have checked the latest ChromeD

Check TestCafe is running

I use TestCafe for testing a website. I use the testcafe inside my node module. Users can start the test out of the node presented website. I start it with:

Possible to open/display/render a headless Selenium session?

I know this is sort of counter to the purpose of headless automation, but... I've got an automation test running using Selenium and Chromedriver in headless mo

How to test email verification flow with dynamic email generation and get email data in automation?

I am facing a problem with registration and login flow where it is required to generate an email and get token for verification. I need a service which allows u

Cypress Security Error. Can only call open() on same-origin documents

I'm learning Cypress and decided to test a 3d party website as a practice. This 3dparty website uses subdomains. (ex,, news.main.

Cannot Locate Element using Jasmine (Protractor)

The login page is a non-angular page and when the user login, then s/he is redirected to home page. The home page is using angular. For login, I've used

Automating Edge Browser using VBA without downloading Selenium

I had the Automation tools which are written considering the IE. Now, I want to re-write those same tools this time by considering the "Microsoft Edge" as the d