Category "browserstack"

using Nunit I want to use the Retry Attribute to help my parallel testing in BrowserStack

I am attempting to add the retry Attribute under the Test Fixture in Nunit but it does not appear to work. Can anyone show me how to add this as a try catch? Th

IPA file made by pipeline is not working in browserstack

When the pipeline finishes building react-native ios app. It creates an artifact IPA file. Usually, it works fine but for several times we get 'app_install_erro

BrowserStack and Azure integration and Run Tests

This is new topic for me, I am trying to integrate BrowserStack with Azure DevOps pipelines. I have followed all steps mention in the documentation by Browserst

cypress-testrail-accumulative-reporter is generating the multiple test run as per the number of parallel threads

I am using cypress-testrail-accumulative-reporter in my cypress automation project for testrail integration. I am executing the automation with 2 parallel threa

Can we run/test desktop applications on browserStack?

Can anyone let me know whether we will be able to run/test desktop applications on BrowserStack? I'm exploring options to test one of the desktop applications o