Category "bundle"

Kotlin Bundle send null values

I try to send values of my data from one fragment which is contains Instruments to HolderList which is contain Holder data for comparing values in ArrayList of

Nestjs application can not run after bundled with webpack

I have a nestjs app and i use webpack to bundled this entire project to a main.js file. My webpack configure file just flowed by this repo ,but when i run npm r

is it possible to run a rollup plugin without an input file (in a multi bundle instance)?

I have a situation where I am bundling multiple files via rollup cli an example of this is available in documentation. I export an array of bundles like so: e

mimemagic install error: "Could not find MIME type database in the following locations..." on Windows [duplicate]

I am running into the following error when trying to install mimemagic 0.3.10 in a Ruby on Rails project. Note that it is run on a Windows env

dependency injection with OSGI

I have built an application with the dependency framework Guice. Now I will move over to OSGI and started to extend my jars with bundle information. The main p

Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "bundler":

Complete new person to Ruby and Rails here... Have tried some tutorials in the past, but that's about it. I'm trying to follow 'Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial' book

EditText not automatically saved on screen orientation change

I read that Android automatically saves the content of EditText objects when an application is about to be stopped or killed. However, in my app the content of