Category "bytecode"

EVM command line interface drops heading zeros in input

I am executing a dummy (smart) contract through the evm command line to understand how input is passed to the contract. I am using the following contract byteco

Java post increment vs opcode iinc

Most of us are familiar with post increment, but when I look to the bytecode instructions, it shows the increment happened before the invocation to the method.

How can you extend Java to introduce passing by reference?

Java is pass-by-value. How could you modify the language to introduce passing by reference (or some equivalent behavior)? Take for example something like publ

modifying python bytecode

I was wondering how to modify byte code, then recompile that code so I can use it in python as a function? I've been trying: a = """ def fact(): a = 8

Recovering human-readable Python 3.10 source from cached .pyc bytecode

After manually clearing a corrupt recycle bin on my removable USB drive, I found a couple of my most recently executed Python files to be corrupt as well; openi