I have some var = std::variant<std::monostate, a, b, c> when a, b, c is some types. How, at runtime, do I check what type var contains? In the official do
For my matrix class I want to do some sort of operator overloading (probably using expression templates) on range-v3 views for + - / * % . For example if I want
P0137 introduces the function template std::launder and makes many, many changes to the standard in the sections concerning unions, lifetime, and pointers. Wh
Context: In my company we generate a lot of types based on IDL files. Some of the types require special logic so they are handcoded but follow the same pattern
Not sure where to ask (feel free to close this if it is an inappropriate question) but I have not found anything on this specifically in C++17 proposals, neithe
Consider this piece of code: struct Base { int x; }; struct Bar : Base { int y; }; struct Foo : Base { int z; }; Bar* bar = new Bar; Foo* foo =
While implementing a compressed_tuple class for some project I'm working on, I ran into the following issue: I can't seem to pass instances of this type to std:
To create a time point for the current time, you can use: std::chrono::system_clock::now(). I cannot figure out, however, how to create a time point given milli
In below C++ program I'm deleting a previous character considering '#' as a backspace character. I have used stack to build the string. Is there any C++ STL alg
I read The most elegant way to iterate the words of a string and enjoyed the succinctness of the answer. Now I want to do the same for string_view. Problem is,
What exactly is the point of the construct std::observer_ptr in the library fundamentals technical specification V2? It seems to me that all it does is wrap a
Consider the following example: struct Parent { Parent (); Parent (const Parent &); }; struct Child : public Parent { using Parent::Parent; }