Category "c++sharp"

Aspose Package document not saving when using method

I have tried below two methods and ensured that license is updated along with the correct binary. Using .net framework 4.5.2. Below using method is not

C# Azure durable functions [Aggregator]

I'm looking for a solution where I could aggregate data coming from TCP or even from an azure queue based on a device id. I have been looking at the documentati

The type arguments for method 'GridHelper.Grid<T>(HtmlHelper, IEnumerable<T>)' cannot be inferred from the usage. error

I'm getting "The type arguments for method 'GridHelper.Grid(HtmlHelper, IEnumerable)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments expli

Microsoft.Graph.Core Code:accessDenied uploading file to One Drive API

I use the below code to upload the file to OneDrive API. var uploadedFile = await requestBuilder .ItemWithPath(fileName)

Authorizing based on request headers in ASP.NET Core

I have an application behind an SAML Service Provider. That means, the SP does authentication for me and I get user data in HTTP request headers (like SP_USER_N

Nreco C# WkHtmlToPdf wrapper flex wrap

I cant seem to find a combination of prefixes for flex that enables flex wrapping using the Nreco HTML to PDF componment. .container { display: -webkit-box; dis

Return ID of newly inserted row on a PostgreSQL database using C# and Npgsql?

I'm building a WinForms project in C# using a PostgreSQL database and the Npgsql framework. For inserting a record, I need to return the ID of the new record.

The logging message template should not vary between calls (CA2254) when only passing on variables

I understand the concept of this warning (similar to this question), but what is wrong with this code? private async Task LogWarningAsync(short? userCodeId,

Strange infinite loop in thread in c# using network sockets

I made a little experiment where a server send continually a message to a client until a second client be connected. Testing with telnet, the first client recei

error 0103 using a switch statement with cross script strings in Unity (C#)

what im trying to do is test a public string named enemyBehaviorStatus that exists on another script in this function, and swap the material accordingly. I can

Linq .Distinct() add extraneous ordering

My entity has a computable geography::point column (represented by DbGeography type in code) When I call a .Distinct() method on query for this entity it adds O

C#, Byte array to System.Drawing.Image error

I am trying to convert some video playback code from Unity to C# WPF, and I have hit a wall with the conversion. I have my video frame as a private byte[] _text

How to restart manually a BackgroundService in core

I create the BackgroundService: public class CustomService : BackgroundService { protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken cancellationTo

Private class method or interface? [closed]

I'm working on an app which uses the Factory pattern to create new objects. In the Factory Class I've added a new Private method called SendAp

Cannot Read struct with string from PLC using s7netplus c#

im trying to read this data block from Siemens S1500 PLC using s7netplus libary and my mapped code struct looks like this public struct testStruct {

convert List of string array into xml

I need to convert list of array into xml. In the list the first object is the elements of the xml and from second object onwards it is the values of the element

How to work with Subsonic MySQL in ASP.NET Core 3.1?

What are the requirements and how to work with subsonic in ASP.NET Core 3.1 or later versions? How to build DAL using subsonic in ASP.NET Core 3.1? What is the

How to Order these list of string according to its version

Adding some sample data var list0 = new List<string>() { "MAS_Prod_1.2107.0.8","MAS_Prod_1.2107.0.4","MAS_Prod_1.2107.0.7","MAS_Prod_1.2107.0.12", "MAS_Pr

How do I add a metric name to MetricOrderBy when using Google.Analytics.Data.V1Beta?

I am writing come code in c# with Visual Studio 2022 to fetch Google G4 analytics data and cannot get one piece to work correctly. It is the part where a create

How to jump properly using character controller?

I'm using a character controller for my player movement. I had walking and running working, but I couldn't get the jumping to work. Here is my code: [SerializeF