I have an ASN.1 encoded detached CMS ECC signature - I used an online decoder to inspect it and can see the signature R and S values but I'm wondering how to ac
Problem: When I attempt to access a derived property of a C# struct, it results in an access violation error and the application exits abruptly (with status 0xC
I draw 4 lines through 8 points on my picturebox which creates a rectangle. float xnum = 0.580481F; float ynum = 0.373782F;
I am using org.apache.legacy library in my xamarin project. I have added <uses-library> tag in my manifest file but I get an error while building the proj
Is there a way to get the number of receiving subscriptions of a ServiceBusMessage sent on a Topic, in any of the two following ways: The number of subscription
Im trying to make an android application in xamarin that can print qr code, im using MTP-3 GOOJPRINT thermal printer. I got the printer plain text already , now
searching "C# compilation unit" does not reveal any useful results around the internet
Need a real implementation of this code interface IExample{ public this ReturnMe(); } class Example : IExample { public this ReturnMe(){...} //returns an
I use followng code in VB.Net to search data in listview using TextBox. This code was VB.NET i have changed this to C# according to my understanding as i am new
I am new to DotnetCore and MS programming. With the new push from MS to be more platform neutral, I had an interest in me to try it out and see if it works the
I'm trying to migrate portions of an app to WPF. One of the near-impossible parts is an IDesignerHost (i.e., a Windows Forms Designer). So for that, I want to u
How do I retrieve owner of a record (for example a task) with FetchXML or C#? I can connect the two tables task and owner with FetchXML : <fetch> <en
I have a need to generate C# code for my Country entity that will inherit from a base Entity class providing stong typed argument to denote the fact that my PK
I have a ParentObj" Country " which has a List child Obj "Cities". I coded a OnNotifyPropertyChanged in the child object that notifies the Parent about its ch
What is the difference of using @bind and @bind-value? I made this simple example, and testing it in the browser, I didn't see any difference. <p>@@bind
I have two data tables as shown below. datatable1: table1_id(PK) DriverID Vehicle 111 Ram00 VRN01 112 Shyam00 V
Previously, to allow for encoded special characters to be passed as part of a URL in a .net framework service, I've added this to the web.config file within the
I am new to Visual Studio and ASP.NET and I am watching a tutorial by Mosh Hamedani on MVC development. The tutorial is a couple of years old, but when he crea
What I have A list of objects with Id, DateStart and DateFinish. [ { Id: 1234567890, DateStart: new DateTime(), DateFinish: new Date
I am about to start development of a software project that should run on Linux and Windows if possible. As I already have some experience with C# I am eager to