Category "c++sharp"

Retrieving Signature R and S element from ASN.1 CMS Signature Bouncy Castle

I have an ASN.1 encoded detached CMS ECC signature - I used an online decoder to inspect it and can see the signature R and S values but I'm wondering how to ac

How can I resolve an access violation in managed C# code with structs?

Problem: When I attempt to access a derived property of a C# struct, it results in an access violation error and the application exits abruptly (with status 0xC

Convert 8 points to a rectangle

I draw 4 lines through 8 points on my picturebox which creates a rectangle. float xnum = 0.580481F; float ynum = 0.373782F;

Unexpected element <uses-library> found in manifest

I am using org.apache.legacy library in my xamarin project. I have added <uses-library> tag in my manifest file but I get an error while building the proj

Get the number of receiving subscriptions of a Azure Service Bus Message

Is there a way to get the number of receiving subscriptions of a ServiceBusMessage sent on a Topic, in any of the two following ways: The number of subscription

MTP-3 bluetooth thermal printer print qr code

Im trying to make an android application in xamarin that can print qr code, im using MTP-3 GOOJPRINT thermal printer. I got the printer plain text already , now

CS8804: Cannot specify /main if there is a compilation unit with top-level statements [closed]

searching "C# compilation unit" does not reveal any useful results around the internet

Specifying a type in an interface of the type that inherits this interface

Need a real implementation of this code interface IExample{ public this ReturnMe(); } class Example : IExample { public this ReturnMe(){...} //returns an

Search Listview using Textbox in C# from SQL Database

I use followng code in VB.Net to search data in listview using TextBox. This code was VB.NET i have changed this to C# according to my understanding as i am new

DotNet core 3.0 compilation issues in VSCode

I am new to DotnetCore and MS programming. With the new push from MS to be more platform neutral, I had an interest in me to try it out and see if it works the

WPF airspace issue and WinForms IDesignHost

I'm trying to migrate portions of an app to WPF. One of the near-impossible parts is an IDesignerHost (i.e., a Windows Forms Designer). So for that, I want to u

Dynamic 365, get owner of a record with FetchXML / C#

How do I retrieve owner of a record (for example a task) with FetchXML or C#? I can connect the two tables task and owner with FetchXML : <fetch> <en

Generating Class in c# that inherits a generic class which uses type parameter using Telosys code generation tool

I have a need to generate C# code for my Country entity that will inherit from a base Entity class providing stong typed argument to denote the fact that my PK

OnNotifyPropertyChanged only triggers on the firts obj of the List

I have a ParentObj" Country " which has a List child Obj "Cities". I coded a OnNotifyPropertyChanged in the child object that notifies the Parent about its ch

Difference between @bind and @bind-value

What is the difference of using @bind and @bind-value? I made this simple example, and testing it in the browser, I didn't see any difference. <p>@@bind

Combine two data tables with null values on both tables - C#

I have two data tables as shown below. datatable1: table1_id(PK) DriverID Vehicle 111 Ram00 VRN01 112 Shyam00 V

How do I allow restricted characters in the URL of a .net core application?

Previously, to allow for encoded special characters to be passed as part of a URL in a .net framework service, I've added this to the web.config file within the

Visual Studio 2022 - Where is the RouterConfig.cs and Global.asax in MVC project?

I am new to Visual Studio and ASP.NET and I am watching a tutorial by Mosh Hamedani on MVC development. The tutorial is a couple of years old, but when he crea

How to validate Date Start and Finish Overlap from a list of items

What I have A list of objects with Id, DateStart and DateFinish. [ { Id: 1234567890, DateStart: new DateTime(), DateFinish: new Date

Using C#, .NET Core 3 and GTK# for cross-platform Programming (and alternatives)

I am about to start development of a software project that should run on Linux and Windows if possible. As I already have some experience with C# I am eager to