I am using dot net core 3.0. I have gRPC app. I am able to communicate to it through gRPC protocol. I thought my next step would be add some restful API suppo
I have created a new Solution where I have added a few projects. They are either ASP.NET Core, Class Libraries or NUnit Test projects. Both the ASP.NET and test
I am building a softwere that can decode and encode using Wpf and c#, and I want to do that using, FFmpeg libary. I saw the ffmpeg autogen warpper but I couldn'
The following code alerts when new Outlook Calendar items are created and/or deleted: static void Main(string[] args) { var oApp = new App
I have something like these: BaseDTO public record BaseDTO { public virtual int Id { get; protected init; } public DateTime Timestamp {
So far my code looks like this: 1. Dowload the APK file and save it into internal storege: Using DependencyServices App.xaml.cs IDownloader downloader = Dep
I connot able to filter the current user record. I want to display the data of current user only. But I did not understand how to handl query. here is the ss of
What will be the memory address of arr, when I am doing arr = new T[size] twice in the same scope while varying size? Does the memory expands to new size and st
I have this "Game" class that gets instantiated at Start and sets up the field for Minesweeper and in this process I count the adjacent Mines for each field. us
I want to pass an additional parameter to the DBContext, like this string myParam="xx"; string con="connenctionstring"; services.AddDbContext<IDbContext, DbC
I want to upload a static file to SharePoint using Graph API and HTTP Client. We have a folder where the file is kept, now we have to read the file from the fol
I have a datagridview with 1 column being of type DataGridviewLinkColumn, the link text is in blue color and when the focus is on a cell the background color of
My unit tests disappear from TestExplorer of visual Studio 2019 16.3.5 The output from test engine is: [16/10/2019 6:45:48.705 Error] StreamJsonRpc.Connectio
Consider the following code (which is a simplified version of my actual code): static void Main(string[] args) { string[] data = { "one", "two", "three", "s
I have a page that displays all users in the table. The front end uses a class that is different from the database model. public class UserDetailsViewDto {
I am trying to 'upload' a video file in to my application and pass it to the database. I am able to handle pictures quite nicely however as soon as I try larger
I want add tiling/repeat watermark to image by using ImageSharp 1.0.0-beta7. I need figure out how many watermarks and how many points where watermark display.
I have this stored procedure that selects the top 10 results from its inner join CREATE PROCEDURE SP_SELECT_DOCS_WHERE_JOBID_STATUS @JobID INT, @BatchID
Im making a basic CSV Reader. Im sepparating the header from the contents using header and data. Now, my lists contain data of the type person.: public
I have an ASN.1 encoded detached CMS ECC signature - I used an online decoder to inspect it and can see the signature R and S values but I'm wondering how to ac