Category "cakephp"

cakephp save drag and drop list order to database

I have a list and I want to let users reorder the list. For the front-end functionality, I am using UIkit. The list can be reordered on the front end up but I a

render partial view based on user permissions

My Task is to create a permission system that is not pre-defined by roles. E.g the system does not define the roles which an admin can assign to other users. In

Controller class xxxController could not be found error

I was migrating my web application to another server. Everything works fine except for viewing any uploaded file. It keeps showing the same error whenever I tr

Mongodb plugin for cakephp 2.10 which will work on php7.4

my old application was on cakephp2.5 , php 5.6 mongodb ichikaway/cakephp-mongodb, i have updated it to cakephp2.10 and php7.4 but this plugin is not working as

Move a child array to parent array and change parent/child name

I know probably this was asked before not sure if was in this form but I did tried some replay from what I found here about this and failed. ok I have this arr

Email sent through CakeEmail showing attachments icon in outlook even when no attachments is sent

I have using CakeEmail to send email but when I send Html and text email then the email show the attachment icon in the outlook . I found that it is because o

Email sent through CakeEmail showing attachments icon in outlook even when no attachments is sent

I have using CakeEmail to send email but when I send Html and text email then the email show the attachment icon in the outlook . I found that it is because o

Navigation idle on content download

Hello I have a website developed in cakePHP 2.10. For a while when I browse my site I realized that I have a loading time always in the order of 5 seconds even

insert multiple rows in a saveall in cakephp

i'm newbie in Cake and wodering how to insert multiple rows in a single saveall function, i got this table, CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `dates` ( `date` varchar