Category "calculation"

how to sum results of a calculated column

I'm trying to get the total duration of membership types (member&casual) another application of the same problem would be to get the total count of the popu

How to dynamic calculate value using formulas in postgresql

I'm in new this field. How do I manage the dynamic calculation with formulas and what steps to achieve the below output?. I have tables. Table 1 - Info_question

How to create and call on a Python Class to calculate Kelly Criterion formula for sports betting?

I am trying to create a Python Class to calculate the Kelly Criterion formula in order to determine the precise bet size for an individual sport's investment. I

Best and most efficient way for ELO-score calculation for users in database

I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the issue of an ELO-score-like calculation for a large amount of users on our platform. For example. For every u

How to correct calculation error on Python

The following equations estimate the calories burned when exercising (source): Men: Calories = [(Age x 0.2017) — (Weight x 0.09036) + (Heart Rate x 0.6309

Solving Intermediate Microeconomics Problems in R

Right now im trying to figure out how to solve standard constrained optimization problems in R which would usually be solved by hand with the use of a lagrangia