Category "candy-machine"

Update Hidden Settings After Initial Upload

I'd like to change my Candy Machine from having hidden settings to no longer be hidden. Initially, the Candy Machine is created with hidden settings like these:

Candy Machine v2 - error: required option '-k, --keypair <path>' not specified

I have done numerous tutorials, and followed everything step by step but I keep getting stuck at this one step, running the following command: npx ts-node ~/sol

unable to upload nfts using metaplex

while am uploading Nft asset to Solana network and have this error : Beginning the upload for 22 (img+json) pairs started at: 1646166389888 initializing candy

Metaplex sign command metadata parameter

After creating an NFT via candy machine v2 I'm trying to execute a sign command (link to the docs) This is the command from the documentation: ts-node ~/metaple

Candy Machine - Unable to upload files

I am following a tutorial and am on the step where we are uplaoding the metadata and files. The tutorial tells me to use the the following command: npx ts-node