Category "capacitor"

@capacitor-community/http post request with empty response

I am developing ionic application and using @capacitor-community/http plugin for API call. When I call POST request which returns some response, it's working pe

Ionic Capacitor (Angular) blank page ios when building from XCode

I'm building an app with Ionic 6 + capacitor. It works fine when testing on the browser and the Android build. However, when I try to build it using XCode it ju

Authentication problem with running ionic app using firebase on native device, everything works fine with live reload

Good morning! I have a strange problem where i can run & authenticate my user on my ios device perfectly fine running the app using the command below. ionic

How to fix ios notch issues using ionic 5 and capacitor 3?

I tried this one, but it doesn't work. AddedAdded meta tag in the index.html tried this CSS property but does not work @supports (padding: max(16px)) { body {

Using Unity Ads Cordova Plugin in Capacitor

I would like to use com-artemisoftnian-plugins-unityads3 Cordova plugin inside my Capacitor app. As you know that plugin is not one of Ionic Native plugins. I a


I need some help. I try to develop an app which is setting up the wifi connection on an android device. I try to use WifiWizard2 with this.wifiWizard2.connect(s

What is React Native WebView alternative for Capacitor/Angular?

I need to transform WebView component from React Native to Capacitor/Ionic/Angular: <WebView source={{uri: customUri}} /> Is there some similar option

Ionic invalid package name __ngcc_entry_points__.json

I'm almost finished developing my application with ionic and angular. Unfortunately, I'm totally stuck. I can't build my application (on android) anymore. Here'

Hiding Android Splash screen in Capacitor Ionic/Ionic React

I'm having issues with the Ionic Capacitor Splashscreen. I've tried to use the official documentation which can be found here. However none of the examples in t

Ionic ion-menu-button not working on first load

<ion-menu-button autoHide="false"></ion-menu-button> At first load it give an error: zone.js:1102 Unhandled Promise rejection: Cannot read properti

Avoid changing the background of Status Bar on iOS in Ionic

I'm doing a mobile app using Ionic 6.1.4 and Capacitor 3.5.1. Android, looks good by default, black background and white icons on any screen. iOS, always has w

why i can't run command "npm update" in my ionic project?

I can't run command npm update or npm install in my ionic project. this is an error that I get. and here is my "ionic info"

Ionic 6: unknown option '--npm-client'

I have a project with ionic 6 and capacitor, when I run ionic serve it work like a charm and I can see the project in my browser, but then when I run ionic capa

How to run Ionic app on android-studio with capacitor on Ubuntu?

When I run the ionic capacitor run android command, to launch my application in Android Studio, I get the error saying: Unable to launch Android Studio." Yo

" npx cap add ios" fails with error "Updating iOS native dependencies with pod install - failed!"

I just created a brand new Ionic app, using command "ionic start myApp blank" I added the necessary angular dependencies to get "ionic serve" working properly.

Why Interceptor not working with capacitor-community/http?

My problem is that my interceptors not working with library capacitor-community/http. I develop my app in Ionic and how can you see I provide interceptor in mod

Unable to add a source with url `` named `trunk`

I'm building an app with capacitor for ios. When I launch the command 'npx cap sync ios' (which launch pod install) and I get this error : ✖ Updating i

Sign in with apple on the web with Capacitor plugin not redirecting

I am trying to implement Sign in with Apple functionality in my Ionic app. In order to do that I am using the plugin:

IOS Invoke SDK functions of SDK in capacitor plugin

Andoird was done without difficulty but I'm very new to IOS(OC/swift) Follow instruction of sdk doc, imported sdk into umbrella header Able to call sdk from mai

advanced-http: "data" option is configured to support only following data types: object

in ionic 5 (capacitor 3 , angular 12) project , i used ionic-native/http for send http request. when use for send FormData object to server var fd = n