Category "center"

Why isn't this centering the div in the middle of body? [duplicate]

<style> .maincont { width: 8em; height: 8em; background: purple; } body { background: limegreen; display: fle

Aligning the table to te center of the page in Markdown

I want to align the table to the center of the page, how ever the <div align="center" <table> </div> function does not work. How would I be able

Media Query for text-align: center

I'm having some issues with a media query. I'm trying to center text for mobile devices only. I've added the following to my CSS, but it doesn't seem to be doin

How to center body on a page?

I'm trying to center the body element on my HTML page. Basically, in the CSS I set the body element to be display: inline-block; so that it is only as wide a

Center aligning a fixed position div

I'm trying to get a div that has position:fixed center aligned on my page. I've always been able to do it with absolutely positioned divs using this "hack" left

Keep window centered after SizeToContent smoothly

I have a WPF window that changes it's size over time due to SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight". Initially the WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" shows the window

Keep window centered after SizeToContent smoothly

I have a WPF window that changes it's size over time due to SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight". Initially the WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" shows the window