I am trying to download java using yum on centOs which I specified in Dockerfile. After pulling centOs image the run crushed and throw this error!? also to ment
When I run the wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo https://pkg.jenkins.io/redhat/jenkins.repo It said use --no-check-certificate and hence I did. On the next
I am trying to figure out how to install python2 on centos9 stream. I am getting the errors below. Any suggestions? sudo dnf install python2 Last metadata expi
I am using CentOS 8. I'm trying to install Python 3. Command: sudo dnf install python3. Error: Failed to synchronize cache for repo 'BaseOS' How can I fix
My OS: Centos 7 + CLOUDLINUX 7.7 When I Try To Login Mysql From Server [root@server3 ~]# Mysql -u root -h localhost -P 3306 Working ok [root@server3 ~]# Mys
when I type systemctl restart httpd , I get the following error: Job for httpd.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemct
I use dotnetcore 3.1 Pinvoke to call my .so file,but it can't be load.I used myLibraryFullPath to load it.What can i do to load this .so file? i can post image,
My disk on virtual box was to small, so I made it bigger with VBoxManage and assigned the new, free space to the main partition afterwards using gparted. But wo
My disk on virtual box was to small, so I made it bigger with VBoxManage and assigned the new, free space to the main partition afterwards using gparted. But wo
i am setting up a Swoole web socket server for my chat application on CentOS 7 host machine. and will use Swoole table for storing users list. But i am not sure
$ python -c 'from gi.repository import Gtk' -c:1: PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before
After installing SSL certificates via Certbot, my website came up with the error message "too many redirects". After some research I thought I must have a redir
When running pip3.8 i get the following warning appearing in my terminal WARNING: The script pip3.8 is installed in '/usr/local/bin' which is not on PATH. Con
How to display list of running processes Python with full name and active status? I tried this command: pgrep -lf python
I using Azure to host my VMs. In one VM I have web application based on Laravel Framework and another VM is used to be cache and searching vm. I installed Jetty
I wanna set up scrapy cluster follow this link scrapy-cluster,Everything is ok before I run this command: pip install -r requirements.txt The requirements.tx
update 2022-05-14 i found that server shows 403 when post request, not get request. get reqeust works well, not post. hi i got problem with the apache server th
I'd like to know the meaning of the alert message that occurs in the Linux time zone. timedatectl Warning: Ignoring the TZ variable. Reading the system's time
I'm using CentOS and have downloaded Elasticsearch 6.2.1. I created a new user "elastic" and when I run ./bin/elasticsearch I get the error: Could not find or
After typing whatever that I need in VI, i wanted to save it to a file with :wq filename. But if I have type in the wrong filename , there is no way for me to