Category "chatbot"

Can any one compare AWS Lex v1 and Lex v2

Hi I am new to AWS Lex service. But I would like to know the what's makes the difference between v1 and V2. Can anyone help me on this.

Google Chat bot - Send private message WITHOUT event

I have a bot that is working in PM, I can talk with it and make it do my tasks without any problems but I don't find how to make it send a message to a specific

Slack API - chat_deleteScheduledMessage not working

I have been trying to make a chatbot that schedules a message and then deletes the message before it would sent to the channel. Although, the scheduled message

How to disable buttons on click in Bot Framework Composer

I want to disable the button once clicked in Webchat/Directline channel. Once a user has clicked on a button, that button should get disabled to prevent duplica

i want my twitch chat bot to respond to a specific user with a specific reply

Im building a twitch chat bot using nodejs and i am bit stuck. So i want the bot to reply with a specific message only if a specific user write something. i alr

trying to create a chat "template" for my chatbot [closed]

I am trying to create a template for my chat bot so the chat looks like carl: my name is carl, what is yours? user: *some response* I have no

LSTM model fails

enter image description here model = Sequential() model.add(LSTM(units=32, return_sequences=True, input_shape=(training.shape[1],1))) model.add(Dropout(0.2)) mo

Azure Web Bot works in Azure portal but displays error when embedded in a website

I created a bot using QnaMaker and published it to Azure Portal. It deployed successfully and works in the "Test in Web App" on Azure Portal but does not work w

See what link was used when new user joins to telegram channel

I am trying to make a telegram bot for accounting invite links. It is supposed to count how many times a certain link was used. I tried to get an invite link fr

'rasa shell' does not intiate a chat session as expected

The command 'rasa shell' is supposed to start a chat session in the terminal itself upon its execution according to the documentation. But in my case, it's acti

Missing argument is required |

I tried to make an command which displays mentioned users avatar. This is the code: @client.command(aliases=['av']) async def avatar(ctx, *, member: discord.Mem

Microsoft botframework chatbot integration with Dynamic 365 customer service omnichannel

I am trying to integrate chatbot with D365 customer service omnichannel for agent handoff. I have followed all the steps as per Microsoft documentation. still

MS Teams static tab with content bot id shows error in personal chat scope

I am building a static tab for MS Teams with contentBotId specified.The staticTabs manifest entry looks as following: "staticTabs": [ { "entityId":

Send the message to personal chat instead of group chat using ms teams chatbot

I would like to post a message to personal chat instead of group chat while message post from group chat how to achieve this ?. Is there is any methods availabl

How to use FLow XO and together in one bot

I have a question. Is it possible to use both flowXO and together and single-time in one bot? If so, how to implement it?

How to embed my python chatbot to a website

I am very new to python, and I am trying to create a chatbot with python for a school project. I am almost done with creating my chatbot, but I don't know how t

How to embed my python chatbot to a website

I am very new to python, and I am trying to create a chatbot with python for a school project. I am almost done with creating my chatbot, but I don't know how t

How to add payload request for FB chatbot in python?

I have created a chatbot in python, flask, pymessenger, witai. I have added some button but I don't know how to reply back once the user press/select the option

How to connect ngrok with bot emulator?

I have developed a chatbot in C# and hosted it on our local server. When I'm trying to connect it remotely with ngrok. I get below error: Failed to spawn ngrok

How to record intents from buttons in Adaptive cards, developed using custom json templates from Rasa custom actions?

Please do suggest if worked with developing adaptive cards from Rasa to MS Teams API: how to record the intent, when a user presses the buttons in the Adaptive