Category "child-process"

Why is sleep in a child process blocking my program?

So I have this simple program that sleeps for 4 second if the value returned by fork is '0' meaning that the child process is executing, I've tried using sleep

Is there a synchronous version of child_process.fork() in node.js?

There is spawn and spawnSync, but there is no forkSync for fork. Or did I fail to find it? If not, why is there no forkSync?

Node.js: Killing sub processes of ChildProcess#spawn

Consider the following code: import {spawn, exec} from 'child_process'; var child = spawn('su', [process.env.USER, '-c', 'while (true); do sleep 0.3; echo

How to wait for a child process to finish in Node.js

I'm running a Python script through a child process in Node.js, like this: require('child_process').exec('python', function (error, stdout, stderr) {