Category "circleci"

"Workerpool Worker terminated Unexpectedly" for Mocha tests in CircleCI

I have TypeScript tests running with Yarn and Mocha and they work fine locally. When I deploy via CircleCI, however, I get this: 1) Uncaught error outside test

Type 'React.ReactNode' is not assignable to type 'import(".../@types/react-transition-group/node_modules/@types/react/index").ReactNode'

I've worked with React project, integrated with Circle CI and after some minor changes, it started to fail all builds with Its instance type 'ReactApexChart' is

Connection refused trying to connect spring boot application in docker

I try to run spring boot application in Docker, Circle CI. Please, check how my .circleci/config.yml file looks like: version: 2.1 jobs: test: docker:

`result_exit_status': undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

I am trying to add the Code Climate Test Reporter to a New Rails app that we are currently building. I have setup circleci on other projects so I modified the c

How to get the branch that the PR is heading to in CircleCI

CircleCI have a CIRCLE_BRANCH env variable that tells you the name of the branch of the PR itself. But I want the other way around, I need the branch name of t

How to use 0/10 in cron in a yaml file?

I'm trying to use a cron job referenced in a yaml file part as part of my CircleCI CI system: I would like a job to run every 10 mins using the 0/10 * * * * for

how to run parallel setup commands on circleci?

I want to be able to do something like the following pseudo code: commands: - setup: parallel: true steps: - run ... - run ...

encountering this error on circle ci: Unable to parse YAML # mapping values are not allowed here # in 'string', line 3, column 5

Here's my code version: 2.1 orbs: flutter: circleci/[email protected] jobs: build: working_directory: ~/project docker: - image: "cirrusci/flutt

No matching distribution found for botocore<1.22.0,>=1.21.0 (from awsebcli)

CircleCi returns the following error: No matching distribution found for botocore <1.22.0,> = 1.21.0 (from awsebcli). My config.yml file installs the fol

WebdriverIO doesn't spawn a browser in CircleCI job

I am trying to run my E2E tests in CircleCi. Tests work locally. On CircleCi tests are stuck after wdio's call: [0-0] 2021-08-20T11:01:17.873Z INFO webdrive