Category "classnotfoundexception"

ClassNotFoundException in navigation graph android

I saw this crash over firebase and it is not reporducible in the emulator of same OS. Not sure what is causing it. Crash is occuring in samsung M32 OS 11. The c

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/core/view/MenuHost;

I'm making a google sign in process in my app. Whenever I open my app it crashes and gives NoClassDefFoundError I checked the logcat and found this:- ------

A Gradle based sub-project throws `Could not find or load main class` during the build

I have a Gradle based multi-project. The issue is with one of the sub-projects. I have some tests there, but all code inside is commented out. Whenener I run "b


I'm trying to access an excel file the Apache Workbook module. The code runs perfectly sometimes, but mostly I get an error saying: exception