Category "cmake"

How to set xcode debugger working directory with CMake

I searched for an equivalent of VS_DEBUGGER_WORKING_DIRECTORY for xcode in cmake documentation, but I couldn't find one. If it indeed doesn't exist, how I can u

Clion / Cmake can't find boost on linux

I recently changed to Linux Mint Debian Edition and cannot include boost to Clion using cmake. Yesterday I tried every option I could find, including on stackov

vscode cmake build terminal output color

Is it possible to influence the colors of certain output lines? I would like to see the line 100% Built target of my project in green too.

Error with Dlib installation for python on windows 10

I'm trying to install dlib. I followed every single tip on the internet but its just not working. I'm using/tried windows 10 cmake 3.21.4 (it's on path) python

pip install dlib, Cmake error compiler is not found

when i want to install pip install dlib it gives me this error i have both installed MSVC v142-vs 2019 c++ x64 build tools and c++ Cmake tools for windows and y

Run each test in a new container

I have google test based test suite. Since the tests manipulate the filesystem and do other things that I don't want to be left behind in case of a test crash,

How to use c++20 modules with CMake?

Clang and MSVC already supports Modules TS from unfinished C++20 standard. Can I build my modules based project with CMake or other build system and how? I tri

CMAKE Esp32 using azure iot samples - what to check in into my repository

I am really new to iot/embedded world (I come from the b2b java world). Currently I am starting setting up an ESP32 based project. So far I tried esp-idf Hello

overriding default CMAKE C++ compiler flags

I'm trying to set (remove) the default c++ compilers flags by using the following commands in my CMakeLists.txt: set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, "") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_

how to install face_recognition module for python

i have installed the cmake but still dlib is not installing which is required for the installation of face_recognition module the below mentioned error i am ge

Intel oneapi detect if I'm on FPGA

Is there any way to detect via CMake whether an FPGA accelerator is available or not ? I'd like to do something like if (FPGA_AVAILABLE or FPGA_EMULATOR_ON)

'undefined reference to' when using GTK with CMake

I'm trying to build basic GTK+ code(one of its tutorials) with CMake, but I keep getting 'undefined reference to *' where * is any GTK function that is in the c

How to set CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH with multiple directories?

On the question CMAKE RPATH not working - could not find shared object file I see how to set CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH for a single path, but I need it for multiple p

How to have CMake export symbols automatically on Windows?

According to my experience, though it may be incorrect, on Windows if no translation unit exports any symbol then all symbols are implicitly exported when build

Cannot configure QtCreator using CMake on Ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to setup a project based on CMake with QtCreator. In Projects I defined the Build Steps I need. In the Build setting I get constantly the error mess

"No tests were found!!! " in cmake tutorial step 4

The contens of CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) # set the project name and version project(Tutorial VERSION 1.0) # specify the C++ standar

how to solve ' CUDA was found but your compiler failed to compile a simple CUDA program'

I tried vs2015 2017 2019 2022 without success, cmake also tried 3.14.1 and the latest version, cuda is available, and vs2019 seems to have also compiled

How to install conan inside docker and use

I am trying to use Conan by installing it in a Docker and using that docker. For the same, I did like included these lines in Dockerfile RUN apt-get install -y

Clion can't find a library installed using homebrew

I am working on MacOS and using homebrew to install libraries. The library that I am trying to get working is freeImage which installed just fine using homebrew

CUDA_ARCHITECTURES is empty for target "cmTC_28d80"

I made a new CUDA executable project in CLion and when it opened I got CMake error: CUDA_ARCHITECTURES is empty for target "cmTC_908f4". CMakeLists.txt: cmake_