Category "cmake"

Linking python and c++ on windows

I'm trying to create a python library, written in c++, using boost-python, and mingw to compile. c++ Code: char const* greet() { return "hello, world"; } #i

Compile with CMAKE and invalid sh_info in symbol table

sorry bad english cloned and compiled this project in Android Studio: During compile, got the following erro

GMP works when compiling with makefile but not with cmake

I am trying to include <gmp.h> in my project. A very simple Makefile compiles it successfully: CC=gcc -std=c11 -w LIBR=-lm -lgmp FLAGS=-O0 all: test tes

Installing / Building the newest version of Inkscape (v 1.2) on Linux Ubuntu 20.04

I am trying to install Inkscape 1.2beta on Linux Ubuntu 20.04. The website currently only offers an AppImage and a source tarball. Since I would like to access

Installation error OpenCV 4.5.5 from source code in Windows

I was trying to install OpenCV-4.5.5 from source on my windows machine. This machine has the latest Nvidia drivers as well as CUDA 11.6, I did not run into any

How to manually disable libstdc++ in CMake for Clang

Recently I'm configuring a new project in language C and C++ using both CMake and llvm Clang with Visual Studio Code for a program where EVERY exact object or l

Looking to use a library with example code for Open Quantum Safe

So I am trying to use following library: Open Quantum Safe I am using windows linux subsystem, so I followed the linux setup. I think I followed all the steps c

Error installing OpenSSL using VCPKG on Visual Studio code: Error: in triplet x64-windows: Unable to find a valid Visual Studio instance

I am trying to fix the error I'm facing while running a rust program on my VScode as shown in the link below, install openssl and and set the paths using vcpkg

How to build Aseprite from source in ubuntu 20.04? CMake Warning: "No source or binary directory provided"

I was trying to build Aseprite from its source in Ubuntu 20.04 and got stuck while executing cmake. I followed all the instructions provided in the f

How can I link to a custom library when building MySQL Server from source?

I installed MySQL server using a standard source distribution (mysql-server-8.0) according to this url:

Can't bind OpenCV to my project via CMake in CLion

For an exercise at school I need to work with OpenCV, but I can't figure out how I can link this in CLion. I have chosen to put the entire OpenCV library in my

Build specific modules in Qt6 (i.e. QtMqtt)

For a project which uses MQTT, I always had to compile the QtMqtt module from source, because it wasn't included in the prebuilt windows release and couldn't be

Cmake link libmapnik c++

I am unable to connect Mapnik via cmake to my application. I tried to do like this: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1) project(MapnikTest) set(MAPNIK_LIB "/u

Configuring protobuf C++ to dynamically link against MSVC runtime library

I would like to configure protobuf to link MSVC runtime library dynamically. While this is supported by protobuf and seems trivial to do, I have not been able t

how to compile and then create lib file QtpropertBrowser

how to compile and then create lib file QtpropertBrowser. I want to add this library on my project. this library .

How can I set “Other Linker Flags” to include -ObjC with CMake?

I am trying to generate an XCode project with CMake, but I can't define "Other linker flags" in project settings. I have tried using the following: set(CMAKE_SH

generating debug info with emscripten / ninja / cmake on complex project

I am trying to debug a port of some c and c++ code to WASM. I worked out how to source level debug in the browser with a simple 10 line .c program but now I wan

cmake: statically link against opencv libs

On Ubuntu 20.04: sudo apt install libopencv-dev Result: kwu@Dev-KWu:/usr$ find . -name "*opencv_imgproc*" -o -name "*opencv_core*" ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libope

CMake - Install Find script for depencency together with script

I am making a CMake library around some installable SDK. So the dependency tree looks like: Application --> MyLibrary --> OfficialSDK This SDK is

What's the effect of export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=...?

When google-ing export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, you will often find the suggestion to cure the problem that CMake doesn't find this or that package by setting an envi