Category "cockroachdb"

Using CockroachDB's RESTORE command, how can I restore a database into another database name?

I have a backup of a CockroachDB database named foo, and I would like to restore it on my cluster but have the database name be bar. When I try RESTORE DATABASE

Spring JPA Paging to Stream

We are currently using cockroach DB, but this doesn't support returning X records at a time presumably due to lack of cursor support. This means that when tryin

How do these database management systems practically behave during a network partition?

I am looking into deploying a database management system, replicated across regions (various data centers across a country). I am currently looking into the fol

Querying data in postgresql by applying filter on a JSONB column

I have a table with 2 columns; ID (int) and EntityData (JSON). I have created a filter object in form of a Dictionary in C#. I want to fetch all rows which sati