Category "cognos"

Information repeating on subsequent pages

Using IBM Cognos Analytics 11.1.7IF8 I am developing a report that should have multiple lists of information on the report page, separated by category headers.

Report Studio 10.2.2: Showing distinct values in value prompt

Good afternoon, I'm busy making reports in Cognos Report Studio 10.2.2 and as part of this, I need to group a number of accounts based on a group designation,

Can not have element children within a simple type content

Using Cognos, but I have seen this problem reported as far back as 8.3. I am getting this error message intermittently when I create a list that retur

Total value on the x axis using Marimekko widget using IBM Cognos

I am working on a dashboard in Cognos. One of the diagrams in which is a marimekko diagram, as shown below: Presently, the widget offers percentage for the ent

Trouble with formatting date prompt in Cognos Report Studio Version 10.2.1

I'm having trouble with an error that says: UDA-SQL-0144 An arithmetic exception was detected.[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT64] SQL20448N "1993" cannot be interprete