Please I need help on how to to go about this. I am currently building a website to enable bitcoin payment directly on my website. After creating a checkout on
I am using the following demo code (written in Python 3.x) to attempt to connect to the Coinbase Sandbox. Below is the code I have been following. I keep gettin
As a example in coinbase-api I can get cryptocurrency's price this way: const eth_eur = await publicClient.getProductOrderBook('ETH-EUR', { level: 1 }); As you
I want to download coinmarketcap of cryptocoins data. When compiling the code below: rm(list = ls()) cat("\014") library(httr) library(jsonlite) library(tidyver
I trying to determine wallet address to which the payment was received. In the transaction resource description I see the address field, that should to be exact
Client error: POST resulted in a 403 Forbidden response: what is the reason for this error? This result is returned
I am trying to send a POST request to the coinbase sandbox endpoint. When signing the request I always get an "Invalid Signature" response. It seems that coinba
thanks for coming to my aid. In the course of using the coinbase API, when I callclient.getAccounts({}, function(error, accounts){console.log('accounts', accoun
I am having trouble connecting the coinbase wallet in my application and I was wondering if you could help me with this. My issue is that I am using the web3-re
How should the signature parameter be generated for opening an authenticated connection to Coinbase Websocket? I can't find any concise description anywhere. F
After a year of my server working perfectly fine, since last week, I am no longer able to successfully hit the Coinbase API, even though no co
I have a coinbase account. I'd like to transfer a specific amount of crypto to another crypto. For example, I want to transfer 0.1 bitcoin to dogecoin. I want t
I having been battling this error for weeks now, read hundreds of resources that has just proven futtile and contacted coinbase support without getting any resp
Seems like one data object in AccountUncheckedCreateInput is missing: data.created_at Invalid p.account.create() invocation in 16 }, 17 updateUser: ({ id, ...da
I can use this: to get