C:\apache-jmeter-5.4.3\bin>Jmeter -n -t "C:\jm\ReservationManual.jmx" -l "C:\jm\Result\result1.csv" -e -o "C:\jm\Report" I used above com
In Chrome you can use start chrome --new-window --app=http://www.example.com To have it open in a reduced window (PWA-Style). Chrome as app How is this possib
I copy or rename a folder containing some files. Then, in a command line window I type: explorer /select,"<full-path-to-a-file-in-new-folder>" The result
I'm trying to run the below code as instructed in the docker-graphite-statsd: docker run -d\ --name graphite\ --restart=always\ -p 80:80\ -p 2003-2004:2003-
I wrote a simple shell script that will show IP every 15 sec (it checks for VPN basically )... I wanted to add that in my status bar and I did it with #() but i
So I had a question I'm working on a Algolia extension for Firebase but when I try Step 3(see image 2 below) to excute the commands I get a "bash: firestore-al
I am trying to test connectivity from source to a FTP server on port 22 using azure devops commandline tool in pipelines Command for testing: telnet TestSFTP02
I am trying to use endpoint from apify.com. When I run my request in web browser with token everything is fine but if I run my request via requests library from
I know this question has been asked before and I have researched and used the following steps to no avail, each one of them: Pyinstaller is not recognized as in
Im using Ubuntu as my OS. I have been able to download and open anaconda-navigator through command line. but I can't open up Jupyter lab or jupyter notebook. it
I am trying to make programs using argc and argv in MIPS simulator SPIM. This is my code: .data nl: .asciiz "\n" .globl main .text main: # print argv[0] lw
Node.js 13 recently rolled out an experimental ESModule loader, starting to take the switch away from CommonJS. However, code ran in an ESModule in Node.js isn'
I have python code that parses input parameters: parser=OptionParser() parser.add_option("-o", dest="out", default=os.getenv('Path',None), help="file path") par
I want pass a command line argument is_triggered=true as part of running Jenkins gauge tests run. How can I pass the argument when I am doing gauge run specs --
I have an environment variable named GOPATH. In old style command shell I could run the command %GOPATH%\bin\hello like this: Is there an equivalently simple c
I am simply trying to move a directory with subdirectories to another directory using CMDER. λ mv "c:\Program Files\ANOTHERTESTDIR\" c:\proj mv: missing
I have a script that runs through some files and copies them to another location. But the script needs to wait until the file is no longer being written to. I t
So, I should delete all node_modules in my project(I want that the node_modules folder become completely empty). Just removing folder manually does not suit me.
How can I stop all docker containers running on Windows? docker stop is for 1 container only. Any command/script to make it stop all containers?
I am using CURL command line to send HTTP POST to a web service. I want to include a file's contents as a PART of the body of the POST command. Is this possible