Category "command-line-interface"

How to run a Mininet CLI command from inside python module

I wrote a python module to generate a random topology using Mininet and connected OpenDayLight as the remote controller. I would like to pass a command to the

Yii2: How do I debug console commands?

The Yii2 debugger seems to only work for web requests. How can I debug console commands (CLI)? Eg. I need to see the SQL statements that were executed during a

How to find command line executable (cli) in TYPO3 in Composer and non Composer mode?

The paths for the cli command has changed somewhere from TYPO3 7 to 8. Also, on my TYPO3 system there are 2 files: ./public/typo3/sysext/core/bin/typo3 ./vend

How to avoid terminal to catch error instead of Symfony profiler

[edited on 19th june] The question is not regarding the content of the logs, but why logs doesn't not appear in my symfony profiler My symfony profiler doesn't