Category "computational-geometry"

CGAL:: Surface Reconstruction -- reconstructed point cloud can't be rendered/visualize in any 3D viewers

I used CGAL to preprocess my pointcloud(.ply) file. Results after each preprocess can be rendered/visualize. But after applying advance front surface reconstruc

Computing affine transformation between two sets of unpaired points

I have two sets of points, P and Q, where Q is a transformation of P (rotation, translation and scaling). The pairing of points is unknown. How would I go abo

CGAL: Hole Filling .exe file is stuck

This is my terminal(result) after running the .exe file. Click the link for the terminal. It doesn't stop or gives an error. It's stuck like this for hours. I g

Divide a 2D depth image into non-overlapping rectangular areas of similar values

I am trying to segment a 2D depth image into non-overlapping rectangular areas of similar values as shown in the example: In this example, the depth image is s

Merging overlapping axis-aligned rectangles

I have a set of axis aligned rectangles. When two rectangles overlap (partly or completely), they shall be merged into their common bounding box. This process w

Edges of polytope in python

I have looked all over for this, but I can't find anything! I used pycddlib to get the vertices of a polytope from the inequalities representation. However, I n

Testing whether a polygon is simple or complex

For a polygon defined as a sequence of (x,y) points, how can I detect whether it is complex or not? A complex polygon has intersections with itself, as shown: