Category "configuration"

Unexpected token 'import' error while running Jest tests?

I realize this question has been asked several times but all of the solutions I've come across don't seem to work for me. I'm running into the following error w

How to read web.config file in .Net Core app

I have created a .Net Core API and I referenced a .Net framework application to it. The referenced Application connects to a data base and its connection string

logstash settings are invalid

I'am trying to start logstash on windows with a custom conf file but I get always the same error : Your settings are invalid. Reason: Setting "" doesn't exist.

How can I build an IOptionsMonitor<T> for testing?

For the normal IOptions interface, you can manually build an instance e.g. this SO question. Is there any equivalent way to make an IOptionsMonitor instance wi

Docker, how to deal with ssh keys, known_hosts and authorized_keys

In docker, how to scope with the requirement of configuring known_hosts, authorized_keys and ssh connectivity in general, when container have to talk with exter

how to exclude properties of super class when generating open API spec using swagger in java

We have a class which is inherited from third party library class. While generating open API spec using swagger, in schema all the properties of the third part

Set configuration and options from json file for servicebuilder in test project

Hi i am trying to configure and build services in a test project. I have read and built a json file into IConfigurationRoot, and can extracts specific parts ind

Not getting expected throughput on Cisco ASA 5506-X

I have a Cisco ASA 5506-X running version 9.9(2). I recently upgraded my internet to gigabit speeds (in reality about 750 - 850 Mbps). However, my ASA was only

how to use color-thief in a vuejs context

I'm trying to import color-thief from NPM ( like this: import ColorThief from 'colorthief' But when I call new ColorThi

How to export custom fields configuration into a config file in Liferay?

So, Liferay offers an option to export settings into a configuration file so that another Liferay instance can be easily and quickly configured with the setting

How to export custom fields configuration into a config file in Liferay?

So, Liferay offers an option to export settings into a configuration file so that another Liferay instance can be easily and quickly configured with the setting

How to set default retention policy and duration for InfluxDB via configuration

I am using the official InfluxDB docker image. I want to set the retention policy to be 14 days by default. There are various ENV variables that I can set to c

how to log only one level with log4j2?

I'm using log4j2 in my application. What I want is everything up to 'debug' to go to console, everything up to 'info' to go to myapp.log, and ONLY 'info' to go

rabbitmq showing wrong disk free limit in management console

as the title says, I have a problem, that the rabbitmq shows (and thinks) that there is more space available, as I told him. I'm running 2 instances of rabbitmq

Cannot find php-fpm.conf

I use php-fastcgi via nginx on Ubuntu 21.10, and I want to set the log_limit php-fpm directive to 8000 for my PHP logs not to be truncated, but I can't find php

How to set Prometheus Alertmanager external URL via configuration

I'm using a vanilla Docker container to start an Alertmanager. As far as I know, I cannot provide the external URL via parameter in this case, so I have to find

PHP Warning: Module already loaded in Unknown on line 0

On Mac OSX Mavericks using homebrew php55 whenever I run a a php command I get the following error message (everything runs fine it's just annoying) PHP Warnin

How to SetBasePath in ConfigurationBuilder in Core 2.0

How can I set the base path in ConfigurationBuilder in Core 2.0. I have googled and found this question, this from Microsoft docs, and the 2.0 docs online but

Best way to reload telegraf configuration when running in a container

I'm running telegraf in a container on my Synlogy NAS. Just asking out there what is the best way to reload the configuration when I make some changes in telegr

PHP | "The requested PHP extension bcmath is missing from your system."

Greetings fellow developers, I am trying to use composer for a PHP project of mine on a development server I recently booted up and for some reason I am unable