Category "connector"

BadGateway exception adding SQL connector to Logic App

When I try to add a SQL Server connector to my Logic App I get an error stating "Please check your account info and/or permissions and try again. Details: BadGa

Getting Error while adding File System ISE Logic App Connector

I have created an ISE Logic Apps environment, and am trying to add the FileSystem ISE connector to the Managed connectors list, as it does not appear in my defa

MariaDb is installed but could not be imported into python

I tried to install the Mariadb plugin for python. Therefore I downloaded the MariaDB Connector and installed it and then I installed via pip3 the mariadb. And I

Connection Java - MySQL : Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

I try to connect MySQL database with Java using connector 8.0.11. Everything seems to be OK, but I get this exception: Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQL

Failed: can't create session: no servers available: server selection failed: context deadline exceeded

I'm getting an error while trying to use the mongodb for bi connector. I am in the generation stage of the schema of difinição of the file utlizna