Category "cookies"

See cookies in Chrome devtools set from an ajax XHR request

I have a page on localhost:4000 that has a cookie set by the server. The page also contains a script that successfully makes an XHR request back to the server

Check if user has alread visited site in browser session

So I have this splash screen animation that plays when you visit my website. However, I only want the animation to play the first time you visit it (in the sess

PHP and WebView - Cookie doesn't are the same

I'm using a WebView to show a web application. All works, except one thing: My login: setcookie("USER_ID", $my_id, time() + 86400); My logout: setcookie("U

how to use same cookies over multiple requests when using python requests

I am new to python requests and am using it to scrape a website and get to a certain webpage, first I login and then I do a few requests for other webpages: im

How to access Response cookies in angular2?

I'm trying to access this cookies (the response ones): When I open the request in the chrome debug tools in the network section I can clearly see that the coo

React Native: How to remove token with AsyncStorage with JWT ?

I am currently storing my React Native token like so using var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');: AsyncStorage.setItem('token', response.token) And I'm not sur

Axios - cross domain cookies

I have two applications (backend and frontend) running on local computer (frontend - Vue app on port 8080, backend - Scala app on port 9000) I'm trying to send

multiple PHPSESSID cookies and browser doesn't keep any

I'm getting 2 PHPSESSID set cookies headers from a login request from my yii application. Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 02:19:44 GMT Server: Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) X

Cross Domain Cookie Golang ReactJs

In Go, I am setting the cookie for frontend: http.SetCookie(w, &http.Cookie{ Name: "jwt-token", Value: tokenString,

Converting cookie string into Python dict

In Fiddler, I captured an HTTPS request with the following cookie string sent from the client (visible in Inspectors > Raw): Cookie: devicePixelRatio=1; ide

req.cookies returns undefined but cookies are set

I am using cookie-parser in my express app. When the root page is requested I set a random number on the cookie using res.cookie(name, value) and it sets it fin

How Chrome dev tools shows cookies

When I open the resources panel of Chrome's dev tools, I see a ton cookies set across many domains. I understand the definitional difference between a first par

How to sign a cookie manually using cookieParser?

For the sake of testing, I need to provide a signed cookie with HTTP request. So that, my Express app server can consider it as a signed cookie and put it into

How to detect if Prevent Cross-site tracking is active on Safari 13 with javascript

I would like to detect when Prevent Cross-site tracking is active in a browser using JavaScript. My challenge is trying to find a method to detect this and show

Is there a setting on Google Analytics to suppress use of cookies for users who have not yet given consent

According to EU Article 5(3) of the E-Privacy Directive (a.k.a 'The Cookie Laws'), web sites that target EU users have to gain opt-in consent from users before

how to edit a secure cookie?

i've seen some websites that you cannot get or edit theirs cookie with javascript (just can be seen in browser tool). What kind of cookie are they? How to edit

Use cookie-free domains - subdomain solution not working

I'm trying to optimize an html webpage, and one of the suggestions from yslow is: Use cookie-free domains There are 11 components that are not cookie-free

Unable to delete cookie from javascript

I am on an external site, and I am trying to delete the cookie via javascript. I did the following in the console: function deleteAllCookies() { var cooki

How does cookie based authentication work?

Can someone give me a step by step description of how cookie based authentication works? I've never done anything involving either authentication or cookies. Wh