I have a VBA script that copies and paste data from one workbook to another, but I would like to get my script so when I click run, windows explorer window open
I have this two browser windows, which are opened for each order on an apparel list with about 18K orders. I have to manually copy the values from the first win
On Ubuntu 20 gedit, I want to copy/paste with middle-mouse button (MMB) as such: highlight a string, move the cursor and click with MMB to paste it again. Howev
How does one copy the contents of a Text field to the iOS clipboard? I have the following code & want to replace the "print(..)" statement with a statement
I am trying to create a macro that copies all the data from a csv file to the workbook that executed the macro. I got the code below from this Youtube video It
I am writing a component which has to monitor changes in CLIPBOARD for a X11 window. auto display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); auto screen = DefaultScreen(mdisplay); a
I'm trying to write in javascript and I want to understand why it doesn't work? sample order code that I want to copy: 593004485164756431 when I copy to clipboa
I would like to generate, with VIM, pretty HTML code of code snippet (C, python or others). Right now, I know only the command under VIM ":TOhtml" but the res
Does there a shortcut for copying the current cursor position's filename and line number in a "filename:line" format? For pasting it in a QuickOpen menu, you kn
I am trying to get my program to read a list of names from a file (say .txt), then search for those in a selected folder and copy and paste those files to anoth
I have a PIN text field in flutter and I'm trying to paste the code in text field. However, only in the first text field is the code pasted and not in the other
I got this code from a different SO question, but node complained to use process.stdin.setRawMode instead of tty, so I changed it. Before: var tty = require("