I want to perform the below task in my Cordova android app Give the user the ability to choose any txt file from his device. Then the file content I need to rea
I'm trying to use Cordova that now includes Electron to create a Desktop App for Linux. I want a button that fires a shell command: const exec = require('chil
I installed Jenkins and started and configured my sample Cordova project with it. I created a multi - configuration project, where my Configure page contains fo
I am need to publish a Cordova application on Google Play targeting Android 12. When I uploaded my APK file, I get error You uploaded an APK or Android App Bund
I am trying to build a basic Cordova NFC App using the plugin phonegap-nfc that sends one message using NDEF Peer-to-Peer Messaging from one device to another.
Hello Guys I am using angular for developing an application my output on web is totally fine but when i use cordova to build for android its seems like some of
Hello Guys I am using angular for developing an application my output on web is totally fine but when i use cordova to build for android its seems like some of
I'm making a program in quasar framework (who works on vue and can be compiled on mobile by cordova). And i'm having some issues to run it on mobile. here's the
My apologies if this is a very simple question, but how do you use google material icons without a <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Ma
I'm developing an application using ionic , I could retrieve data from my webApi server and display them on the navigator with ionic serve but when I try to exe
I am developing an ionic 1 app designed to run on a specific android device. I cannot find a way to easily get performance metrics (memory usage, cpu, fps, et
Im building a Cordova/Ionic app which lets a user view the camera of an Andoroid cellphone live using webrtc (peerJs). I need to allow the device to turn off t
So building was always fine until it wasn't. Nothing new was added, nothing was removed, no packages installed, nothing. Everything was working fine until the b
I have an Ionic v1 chat application, I made everything, but I encountred the famous problem when clicking on a send button (send chat) the keyboard loses focus
I am building mobile app using cordova https://cordova.apache.org/ I am facing error when I am trying to build for android platform even after updating build.gr
Is there any way to specify in plugin.xml to copy every file in plugin source folder to the target platform directory either with one dir copy statement or auto
I am using Ionic 1 and on my app I am using a phone number. If the user clicks the phone number then I want the number to open in the call window so that user c
I run ionic cordova build ios and the response ever is a error Please help me ** BUILD FAILED ** The following build commands failed: CompileXIB MyApp/C
I'm trying to get an APK file from a Ionic project with the "cordova build --release android" command on a Mac and it doesn't work as I get this error "Err
Hello I downloaded and installed node.js as I have done million times also I installed cordova as mentioned in their docs. Furthermore I installed console.plugi