I have a cumtom react startkit package, and I need to dynamically configure the domain for front-end API calls. I plan to use the http-proxy-middleware plugin,
Im new to strapi and I have downloaded strapi v4 and as front-end I use vue.js. Now I created categories and I am trying to fetch those with my vue app but I&rs
Hello Guys I have a problem on my PHP API i uploaded my API on this website "app.infinityfree.net" whenever I try to access my build in PHP API I get this error
My Vue app has a backend with a different url to the front end. In my backend (node) I am using the cors module. My app is a standard express app and I was usin
I am developing a Chrome extension which makes requests from certain websites to an API I control. Until Chrome 73, the extension worked correctly. After upgrad
All is working Ok on develop (tipical) I have flask app (API) docker, postgres docker and VUE app (FRONT). Deployed on production (AWS instance with nginx). Fla
I've a backend app working with Laravel 7 and a frontend which works with VueJs. My Laravel app is running on laradock (nginx, postgres etc...) Using Postman th
I am running a Django project with react redux (trying to implement authentication system) and the very weird thing i observed that my site is rendering properl
I'm developing a vuejs application on the frontend and an API in Sinatra. In Sinatra: post '/login' do # should be pretty easy to do in Sinatra: response['A
I'm running a site that uses SharedArrayBuffer (ffmpeg wasm) which strictly requires CORS (and/or site isolation), AND a Discord oauth2 workflow. After not look
My Problem I have a spring boot application that uses RSockets. My spring boot app is running on port 8080, and my front-end (React.js) is running on port 3000.
I'm trying to connect to SignalR Service Azure function from a react front end. In front const urlRoot = 'http://localhost:7071/api'; const connection = new
I've been trying to make a simple image upload form using react, axios and multer, but I can't figure out a way to deal with cors ! Here is my form (running on
I am currently trying to get a small server running on my RaspberryPi and accessing it from my PC within the LAN. I get the following error when accessing the R
please I need help, I checked on all google and not get really answer for to open my issue. I want to use helmet to secure my express server. But when I am usin
Note: It turns out that this had nothing to do with flutter and everything to do with the fact that I had set the API gateway to a Lambda Proxy I am trying to h
I am developing a next.js application with nest.js as the backend. Now, I am having cors error even when I have cors enabled in my main.ts file of nest.js. Here
Hello all good people. I have tested everything that I can find on internet and nothing is working to fix this problem. I'm really hoping that someone here can
I have a login form from where I am calling the .Net API from react using Axios axios .post( 'https://localhost:5001/login', { email: 'abc@gmail
tl;dr; About the Same Origin Policy I have a Grunt process which initiates an instance of express.js server. This was working absolutely fine up until just now