Category "cpu"

Parallelism of Using and include, or at least, faster ways?

I am starting to have a big project and I am currently using and including many of packages and .jl files: a = time() @info "Loading JuMP" using JuMP @info "Loa

Server with multi-processor, how to launch code

I don't have a big knowledge in hardware, GPU and CPU so I'm trying to create it. I have a server with N processor, the description for each of them is more or

Pods CPU getting Throttled even when CPU usage is less than requested

CPU is getting throttled even when the CPU usage for the container is below request. From what I understand pods are scheduled at nodes where there is sufficien

FFMPEG with moviepy

I'm working on something that concatenate videos and adds some titles on through moviepy. As I saw on the web and on my on pc moviepy works on the CPU and takes

fp16 inference on cpu Pytorch

I have a pretrained pytorch model I want to inference on fp16 instead of fp32, I have already tried this while using the gpu but when I try it on cpu I get: "su

how to understand if a CPU support ECC?

I have an old pc powered by an Intel Core2 Quad [email protected] (both Bios and linux dmidecode don't tell more than that), I can add that the CPU belongs to: Family

Can CPU Out-of-Order-Execution cause memory reordering?

I know store buffer and invalidate queues are reasons that cause memory reordering. What I don't know is if Out-of-Order-Execution can cause memory reordering.

Redis performance on a multi core CPU

I am looking around redis to provide me an intermediate cache storage with a lot of computation around set operations like intersection and union. I have looke

How to get CPU clock frequency on an ARM/Linux machine

The answer seems pretty obvious I guess but none of the possible answers given in