Imagine an event sourced system where there exists a consuming service that is subscribed to a certain Event A. Once this consumer detects Event A has been emit
Let's assume a monolithic web service. The architectural design is based on the DDD and divides the domain into sub-domains. These are structured according to t
If someone tries to implement the CQRS pattern without repository in DDD, in which layer should it be done? Infrastructure or Application Layer?
Hi everyone, I'm a little bit lost with a problem thinking in ddd way. Imagine you have an application to sell concert ticket. So you have an entity which is ca
So let's say I have a product order system. I have several classes that may look like this. data class CreateOrderCommand( val productId: String, val produ
I have an async controller and I am trying to call two different Async functions from it. like this public async void Approvefiles(string[] data) {
I am currently working with Pipeline behavior in Mediatr 3 for request validation. All the examples that I came across were throwing ValidationException if any
I am thinking of having a CQRS architecture for my project. This means having a read and a write database and an update process to keep both databases in sync.
I am currently learning CQRS implementation using ElasticSearch and EventStore. So, I decided to use EventStore for saving the serious of event streams into Eve
I've read that ElasticSearch isn't the most reliable in terms of durability, but I would like to use it to store data on the read-side for optimal searching. If
I'm using ASP, CQRS + MediatR and fluent validation. I want to implement user role validation, but I don't want to mix it with business logic validation. Do you
Although I've come across Kafka before, I just recently realized Kafka may perhaps be used as (the basis of) a CQRS, eventstore. One of the main points that Ka